首页 > 解决方案 > 使用引导程序时撇号-cms 不显示小部件


我在 bootstrap 中使用撇号。我参考了下面的 github 示例 https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe-gallery-demo

它正在正确创建网页,问题是它没有显示小部件。我的 layout.html 文件:正确显示内容

{# Automatically extends the right outer layout and also handles AJAX siutations #}
{% extends data.outerLayout %}

{% block title %}
{# Create a useful, SEO-friendly title tag based on what we have #}
{% if data.piece %}
{{ data.piece.title }}
{% elseif data.page %}
{{ data.page.title }}
{% else %}
{{ apos.log(‘Looks like you forgot to override the title block in a template that does not have access to an Apostrophe page or piece.’) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block extraHead %}
This block outputs its contents in the HTML document’s .
It is a good place to put extra and tags.
{% endblock %}

{% block beforeMain %}

{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
Usually, your page templates in the apostrophe-pages module will override
this block. It is safe to assume this is where your page-specific content
should go.
{% endblock %}

{% block afterMain %}

{% endblock %}
my default page template used:

{% extends “layout.html” %}

{% import “macros/utils.html” as utils with context %}

{% block main %}

{{ utils.columns() }} {% endblock %}


标签: apostrophe-cms

