首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用按位运算尽可能精确地计算 C 中整数的 log2


我需要计算熵,并且由于我系统的限制,我需要使用受限的 C 功能(无循环,无浮点支持),并且我需要尽可能高的精度。从这里我弄清楚如何使用按位运算来估计整数的下限 log2。不过,我需要提高结果的精度。由于不允许浮点运算,是否有任何方法可以计算log2(x/y)结果x < y类似于log2(x/y)*10000,旨在通过算术整数获得我需要的精度?

标签: cbit-manipulationbitwise-operatorsentropy



log2(x/y) = K*(-log(x/y));


 K        = -1.0/log(2.0); // you can precompute this constant before run-time
 a        = (y-x)/y;
-log(x/y) = a + a^2/2 + a^3/3 + a^4/4 + a^5/5 + ...


(y^N*(1*2*3*4*5*...*N)) * (-log(x/y))
  = y^(N-1)*(2*3*4*5*...*N)*(y-x) + y^(N-2)*(1*3*4*5*...*N)*(y-x)^2 + ...

当然^,绑定比 更紧密的幂运算符*不是 C 运算符,但您可以在作为运行产品的(也许展开的)循环的上下文中有效地实现它。

是一个足够大的N整数,可以提供所需的精度,但又不会大到超出您可用的位数。如果不确定,请尝试N = 6例如。关于K,您可能会反对这是一个浮点数,但这对您来说不是问题,因为您要预先计算K,并将其存储为整数的比率。


这是一个玩具代码,但它适用于诸如 5 和 7 之类的小值,因此足以证明这个概念xy在玩具代码中,较大的值会悄悄地溢出默认的 64 位寄存器。需要做更多的工作才能使代码健壮。

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Your program will not need the below headers, which are here
// included only for comparison and demonstration.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const size_t     N = 6;
const long long Ky = 1 << 10; // denominator of K
// Your code should define a precomputed value for Kx here.

int main(const int argc, const char *const *const argv)
    // Your program won't include the following library calls but this
    // does not matter.  You can instead precompute the value of Kx and
    // hard-code its value above with Ky.
    const long long Kx = lrintl((-1.0/log(2.0))*Ky); // numerator of K
    printf("K == %lld/%lld\n", Kx, Ky);

    if (argc != 3) exit(1);

    // Read x and y from the command line.
    const long long x0 = atoll(argv[1]);
    const long long y  = atoll(argv[2]);
    printf("x/y == %lld/%lld\n", x0, y);
    if (x0 <= 0 || y <= 0 || x0 > y) exit(1);

    // If 2*x <= y, then, to improve accuracy, double x repeatedly
    // until 2*x > y. Each doubling offsets the log2 by 1. The offset
    // is to be recovered later.
    long long               x = x0;
    int integral_part_of_log2 = 0;
    while (1) {
        const long long trial_x = x << 1;
        if (trial_x > y) break;
        x = trial_x;
    printf("integral_part_of_log2 == %d\n", integral_part_of_log2);

    // Calculate the denominator of -log(x/y).
    long long yy = 1;
    for (size_t j = N; j; --j) yy *= j*y;

    // Calculate the numerator of -log(x/y).
    long long xx = 0;
        const long long y_minus_x = y - x;
        for (size_t i = N; i; --i) {
            long long term = 1;
            size_t j       = N;
            for (; j > i; --j) {
                term *= j*y;
            term *= y_minus_x;
            for (; j; --j) {
                term *= j*y_minus_x;
            xx += term;

    // Convert log to log2.
    xx *= Kx;
    yy *= Ky;

    // Restore the aforementioned offset.
    for (; integral_part_of_log2; ++integral_part_of_log2) xx -= yy;

    printf("log2(%lld/%lld) == %lld/%lld\n", x0, y, xx, yy);
    printf("in floating point, this ratio of integers works out to %g\n",
    printf("the CPU's floating-point unit computes the log2 to be  %g\n",

    return 0;

在我的机器上使用命令行参数运行5 7它,它输出:

K == -1477/1024
x/y == 5/7
integral_part_of_log2 == 0
log2(5/7) == -42093223872/86740254720
in floating point, this ratio of integers works out to -0.485279
the CPU's floating-point unit computes the log2 to be  -0.485427

N = 12和将大大提高准确性Ky = 1 << 20,但为此您需要更简洁的代码或超过 64 位。


想要更多努力编写的节俭代码可能代表质因数中的分子和分母。例如,它可能将 500 表示为 [2 0 3],表示 (2 2 )(3 0 )(5 3 )。



对于另一种方法,尽管它可能无法完全满足您的要求,但如果您的程序是我的,@phuclv 给出了我倾向于遵循的建议:反向解决问题,猜测c/d对数的值和然后计算2^(c/d),大概是通过 Newton-Raphson 迭代。就个人而言,我更喜欢 Newton-Raphson 方法。见节。4.8这里(我的原版)。


