首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么在存储安全字符串时会这样做?



$secVal = read-host  -AsSecureString -prompt "Enter xstoreuser password"
$strVal = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secVal)
$dasPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($strVal)


psftp -l somelogin -pw $dasPassword -P 22 -b .\ftp.txt somehost

标签: powershellcredentials


您展示的技术不是让命令安全 -相反

您需要做额外的工作才能从[securestring]实例中恢复纯文本密码,因为要将密码传递给外部程序,例如psftp.exe 您需要不安全的 纯文本表示,因为外部程序对 .NET 安全字符串一无所知

SecureString 的安全性如何?向您介绍 .NET 安全字符串及其一般限制。

顺便说一句:提取纯文本密码的命令可以通过 aux 稍微简化。[pscredential]实例:

# Returns the plain-text content of secure string $secVal:
(New-Object pscredential somelogin, $secVal).GetNetworkCredential().Password



# Create a [pscredential] instance with a secure-string password:
# Note: To make this demo self-contained, I'm converting *from* plain
#       text in order to construct the credential object.
#       Note that you should never do that in production code.
#       The need to specify -Force to do it is a reminder that it
#       normally shouldn't be done.
$cred = New-Object pscredential someuser,
          (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force 'actualPassword')

# Open a new hidden window that passes the password *as plain text* to 
# `cmd /c echo` (and then waits for a keypress, to keep the process alive).
$ps = Start-Process -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden cmd "/c echo $($cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password) & pause"

# Now inspect the process' command line using CIM (WMI):
(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessID = $($ps.ID)").CommandLine

# Kill (stop) the sample process.
$ps | Stop-Process

以上产生"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /c echo actualPassword & pause,说明明文密码确实可以通过其他进程获取。

您还可以使用GUI 方法来检查正在运行的进程的命令行:任务管理器 ( Taskmgr.exe),或者在没有潜在截断的情况下,SysInternals 的进程资源管理器 ( procexp.exe),但是,必须按需安装 - 请参阅此 ServerFault 答案
