首页 > 解决方案 > Import of gitlab project fails in Codenvy


I'm starting my first Codenvy project but have trouble importing a Gitlab project. I do the following:

Workspace > Import Project > Subversion

As URL I enter: https://gitlab.company-name.com/apps/app-name.

I'm quite certain the url is correct. However, I get the error message:

Importing project app-name

svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ‘<a href="https://gitlab.company-name.com/apps/app-name/trunk" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://gitlab.company-name.com/apps/app-name/trunk’

svn: E160013: ‘/apps/app-name/trunk’ path not found

The "default path" in codenvy is "/trunk". I've also tried it with this field empty but with the same result.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong when importing this project?

标签: gitidegitlabcodenvy


我在 Codenvy 文档上读到,尚未为 GitLab 启用 oAuth 连接。这意味着您必须使用 ssh 克隆您的存储库,但在此之前您需要正确设置您的 SSH 密钥。

阅读此文档以获取更多信息:https ://codenvy.com/docs/user-guide/git-svn/index.html

我已经能够正确设置所有内容,现在 GitLsb 连接在登录时不会失败,但是...我收到超时错误:)


编辑:就我而言,因为这个问题,我放弃了 Codenvy,因为看起来有趣的 Codenvy 项目几年前就死了。他们网站上的最新消息日期为2017-05-25。他们的 Github 存储库看起来也死了……
