首页 > 解决方案 > 将 Excel 数据写入 Word 内容控件而不会出现错误消息


这个问题是关于使用内容控件将数据值从 Excel 移动到 VBA 中的 Word。请注意,我在 MSExcel VBA 环境中的引用下启用了“Microsoft Word 16.0 对象库”。

我的项目需要将 Excel 数据发送到 Word 文档中的特定位置。

问题:似乎我没有正确使用内容控件并且不断收到运行时错误,我没有找到太多信息。无论是 RTE-438


或 RTE-424


代码功能描述:有两个带有多个工作表的基线工作簿。另一个分析工作簿使用其中的每一个进行编程,使用 VLOOKUP(INDIRECT...),) 为放入 Word 文档的报告生成表格。变体用于更改基线工作簿中的选项卡。分析基本上是CATS-DOGS=PETS。在每个循环中,不提供信息的表格(两个基线工作簿之间没有差异)将被跳过并分析下一个选项卡。如果表格信息丰富,则生成 PDF。报告(Word 文档)已更新。表格被添加到报告中。完成后,将考虑下一个选项卡或评估表。

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Tabs(0 To 18) As Variant
Tabs(0) = "01"
Tabs(1) = "02"
Tabs(2) = "03"
Tabs(3) = "03"
Tabs(4) = "04"
Tabs(5) = "05"
Tabs(6) = "06"
Tabs(7) = "07"
Tabs(8) = "08"
Tabs(9) = "09"
Tabs(10) = "10"
Tabs(11) = "11"
Tabs(12) = "12"
Tabs(13) = "13"
Tabs(14) = "14"
Tabs(15) = "15"
Tabs(16) = "16"
Tabs(17) = "17"
Tabs(18) = "18"

Dim xlApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
    Set xlApp = GetObject("excel.applicaiton")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.applicaiton")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Dim controlThis As String ' the controlThis variable is to the address of the particular data unit that should be passed to a word.documents.contentcontrols to update the text in the word document based on the change in the actual data.

Dim NetworkLocation As String
NetworkLocation = "\\myServer\myFolder\mySubfolder\"

Dim CATS As String
CATS = "kittens.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "Other Subforder\ThisWway\" & CATS)

Dim DOGS As String
DOGS = "puppies.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "differentSubfolder\ThatWay\" & DOGS)
'Populates the array with analysis tables

Dim Temples As Object
Dim Template(3 To 9) As Variant
Template(3) = "\3\EVAL Table 3.xlsx"
Template(4) = "\4\EVAL Table 4.xlsx"
Template(5) = "\5\EVAL Table 5.xlsx"
Template(6) = "\6\EVAL Table 6.xlsx"
Template(7) = "\7\EVAL Table 7.xlsx"
Template(8) = "\8\EVAL Table 8.xlsx"
Template(9) = "\9\EVAL Table 9.xlsx"

Dim strXLname As String
Dim opener As Variant
    For Each opener In Template
        strXLname = NetworkLocation & "Other Subfolder\EVAL Tables\WonderPets" & opener
        Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strXLname

Dim currentDiffernce As Long
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value
'This code cycles through the different EVAL Table templates

    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = CATS
    ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = DOGS

        Dim k As Variant
        For Each k In Tabs
            controlThis = k & "-" & eval  'passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
            ActiveSheet.Rows.Hidden = False
            ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 4).Value = k  'initialize k
            currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value  'stop blank tables from being produced using the total delta in the preprogrammed spreadsheet
            If currentDifference = 0 Then  'since the total difference in the current analysis is 0 this bit of code skips to the next WonderPet
                    controlThis = k & "-" & opener  '(Was eval as variant used with thisTable array)passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
                    Call PDFcrate  'Print the Table to a PDF file. Worked well and was made a subroutine.
                        Dim objWord As Object
                        Dim ws As Worksheet
                        'Dim cc As Word.Application.ContentControls
                        Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
                        Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
                        objWord.Visible = True
                        objWord.Documents.Open FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True ' change as needed

                        With objWord.ActiveDocument
                .ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4) 'These are the updates to the report for each content control with the title. Substituting SelectContentControlsByTitle() gives RTE-424 'Object Required'
                .ContentControls(controlThis & " dogs").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 5)
                .ContentControls(controlThis & " pets").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6)
                .ContentControls(controlThis & " Table).range. = 'Need to add the PDF to the report, perhaps using an RichTextConentConrols...additional suggestions welcomed (haven't researched it yet).
                        End With

                    Set objWord = Nothing
                    Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Saves and Closes the document
                    Word.Application.Quit 'quits MS Word
            End If

        Next  'repeats for each tab with name "k" in the workbooks
    Next  'repeat for each evalTable

End Sub

标签: vbams-wordword-contentcontrol


Word 的内容控件不能像其他东西那样使用字符串作为索引值来获取。问题中代码示例中的以下行不起作用:

.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)

ContentControl 的唯一有效索引值是ID,它是 Word 应用程序在生成 ContentControl 时分配的长数字 (GUID)。

这样做的原因是多个内容控件可以具有相同的Title(名称)和/或Tag. 由于此信息不是唯一的,因此不能用于获取单个内容控件。


Dim cc as Word.ContentControls ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
    Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats")
    'Now loop all the content controls in the collection to work with individual ones
End With

如果确定只有一个带有 的内容控件Title,或者只需要第一个,那么可以这样做:

Dim cc as Word.ContentControl ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
    Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats").Item(1)
    cc.Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
End With

提示 1:使用ActiveDocumentWord 不被认为是好的做法。与ActiveCellExcel 中的(或其他任何东西)一样,不确定“活动”的东西是否应该被操纵。更可靠的是使用一个对象,在这种情况下,它可以直接分配给正在打开的文档。根据问题中的代码:

Dim wdDoc as Object 'Word.Document
Set wdDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True)
With wdDoc  'instead of objWord.ActiveDocument

提示 2:由于问题中的代码针对多个内容控件,而不是声明多个内容控件对象,将标题和值放在一个数组中并循环它可能更有效。
