首页 > 解决方案 > 计算机猜谜游戏中的消息对话框


你好我正在制作一个游戏,我正在尝试对其进行编程,以便用户正在考虑一个随机数并且程序试图猜测它。我必须使用消息对话框(这是一个学校项目),它会询问用户数字是否太高、太低或正确,但是当数字太低时,它会猜测更高的数字。问题是什么?(假设计数已初始化为 0。)

boolean correctGuess = false; // when computer guesses incorrectly, correctGuess is false

String n = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Is " + progNum + " too high, too low, or correct?", " ");

while(correctGuess == false)   // when the computer is guessing

if(n.equals("correct"))  // if the number is correct 
  count++;     // update number of guesses
  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Yay! " + progNum + " was correct! It took the computer " + count + " guesses."); // correct guess, displays number of guesses
  correctGuess= true;  // computer guessed the correct number
  break;  // program stops
else if(n.equals("too high")) // number is too high, prog generates lower number
  count++;      // update number of guesses
  int max = (progNum - 1);        // guess was too high so progNum-1 is the max
  int min = 1;        // min value is progNum + 1 since progNum is too high
  progNum = generator.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;      // new range for progNum between 1 and progNum1 - 1
  String tooHigh = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Is " + progNum + " too high, too low, or correct?", " "); // asks user

  if (tooHigh == null)

else if(n.equals("too low")) // number is too low, prog generates higher number
  count++;          // update number of guesses
  int max = 100;     // generate a range of values for another random guess
  int min = (progNum + 1);      // min value is progNum + 1 since progNum is too low
  progNum = generator.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;      // new range for progNum between 1 and progNum1 + 1
  String tooLow = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Is " + progNum + " too high, too low, or correct?", " ");  // asks user

  if (tooLow == null)

标签: javauser-interfacedialogjoptionpane


问题是你永远不会更新 n。在 while 循环中,当您询问它是否太高或太低时,您将用户的答案存储在另一个变量中。您需要将用户答案存储在 n 中,就像您在开始时所做的那样。
