首页 > 解决方案 > Exchange 用户 FreeBusy 信息,包括定期约会


我正在尝试获取FreeBusy一些 Outlook Exchange 用户的信息,其中包括他们(和我的)定期约会。


Public Sub GetFreeBusyForAPerson()
     Dim usersList As Outlook.AddressEntries
     Dim oEntry As Outlook.AddressEntry
     Dim oContact As Object
     Set usersList = Outlook.Application.Session.AddressLists.Item("All Users").AddressEntries
     Set oEntry=usersList.Item("Jones; Jonathan")
    Mid(oEntry.GetExchangeUser().GetFreeBusy(CDate("08/01/2019"), 60, False), 1, 48)
End Sub

我回来了000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ,我知道此人在相关日期有定期约会,但未显示。

标签: vbaoutlook



我记得我可以访问同事的日历。但如果这是不可能的,还有什么替代方案可用?在多个系统上安装 Outlook 宏不能自动化,所以我想我会尝试 Excel。可以轻松分发包含 Outlook 访问宏的 Excel 工作簿。该宏能否访问默认日历、提取您​​需要的信息并通过电子邮件发送给您?这不是一个理想的解决方案,但如果它有效,我相信它会提供可接受的次优解决方案。如果可行,则在 Excel 中开发的代码可以作为 Outlook 宏分发,并链接到在您发送包含特定主题的电子邮件时激活宏的规则。这将使您对流程的控制几乎与您希望对当前解决方案的控制一样多。

关键问题是:Excel 宏能否访问 Outlook 日历中的所有数据?访问日历证明比我预期的要容易。但是,由于我发现文档令人困惑,因此发现重复项目的例外情况被证明是很棘手的。但是,通过仔细使用 Debug 的 Watch 来研究 anAppointmentItem和 a recurringAppointmentItem的内容,RecurringPattern我能够发现异常的存储位置。

当我完成我的调查宏时,德米特里已经表示GetFreeBusy可以处理定期约会。阅读他对其他问题的回答,很明显他具有相当的专业知识,所以我倾向于相信他。他想知道是否CDate("08/01/2019")没有创建您期望的日期。从您的回复来看,这似乎不太可能。你可以试试。DateSerial(2019, 1, 8)这将消除任何歧义,但我怀疑这是问题所在。

我认为我的调查宏会有所帮助。我只在我的日历条目上对其进行了测试,因此可能需要进一步调试。您AppointmentItem的 s 将包含我没有的属性,因此您可能需要增强我的宏。


Const DateReportLen As Long = 1            '\ Together identify the length of
Const DateReportLenType As String = "yyyy" '/ the report period
Const DateReportStartOffset As Long = -363 '\ The offset from today to the start of
                                           '| the report period. Set to a positive
                                           '/ value for a date in the future

宏的报告期开始于Now() + DateReportStartOffset。-365 的值允许有一个从 2018 年 1 月 1 日开始的期间。这两个DateReportLen常量允许我将期间结束日期设置为开始日期之后的一年。您将需要调整这些值,以便仅在 2019 年 1 月 8 日或可能在任一方的几天内报告。


请注意,如果 Outlook 打开,我的宏似乎不起作用。我没有调查过这个问题

宏需要引用“Microsoft Outlook nn.n 库”,其中“nn.n”标识您正在使用的 Office 版本。

输出文件的宏需要引用“Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects nn Library”。“nn”多年来一直是“6.1”。

Option Explicit
Sub DiagCal()

  ' Requires reference to Microsoft Outlook nn.n Library
  ' where "nn.n" identifies the version of Office you are using.

  Const DateReportLen As Long = 1            '\ Together identify the length of
  Const DateReportLenType As String = "yyyy" '/ the report period
  Const DateReportStartOffset As Long = -363 '\ The offset from today to the start of
                                             '| the report period. Set to a positive
                                             '/ value for a date in the future

  Dim AppointToReport As New Collection
  Dim AppOutlook As New Outlook.Application
  Dim CalEnt As Object
  Dim CalEntClass As Long
  Dim DateReportEnd As Date
  Dim DateReportStart As Date
  Dim FileBody As String
  Dim FldrCal As Outlook.Folder
  Dim InxAir As Long
  Dim InxFC As Long
  Dim PathDesktop As String

  PathDesktop = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")

  ' Identify date range to be reported on
  DateReportStart = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now) + DateReportStartOffset)
  DateReportEnd = DateAdd(DateReportLenType, DateReportLen, DateReportStart)

  ' This assumes the calendar of interest is the default calendar.
  ' This is almost certainly true.
  Set FldrCal = AppOutlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)

  For InxFC = 1 To FldrCal.Items.Count

    Set CalEnt = FldrCal.Items(InxFC)

    ' Occasionally I get syncronisation errors.  This code avoids them.
    CalEntClass = -1
    On Error Resume Next
    CalEntClass = CalEnt.Class
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' I have never found anything but appointments in
    ' Calendar but test just in case
    If CalEntClass = olAppointment Then
      Call DiagCalRecordEntry(CalEnt, DateReportStart, DateReportEnd, AppointToReport)
    End If

  Next InxFC

  FileBody = "Calendar entries within or partially within " & _
             Format(DateReportStart, "d mmm yy") & _
             " to " & Format(DateReportEnd, "d mmm yy") & vbLf & _
             "Total calendar entries: " & FldrCal.Items.Count & vbLf & _
             "Calendar entries within or partially within report period: " & _

  For InxAir = 1 To AppointToReport.Count
    FileBody = FileBody & vbLf & String(70, "=")
    FileBody = FileBody & vbLf & AppointToReport(InxAir)(1)

  Call PutTextFileUtf8NoBom(PathDesktop & "\Calendar.txt", FileBody)

End Sub
Sub DiagCalRecordEntry(ByRef CalEnt As Object, _
                       ByVal DateReportStart As Date, _
                       ByVal DateReportEnd As Date, _
                       ByRef AppointToReport As Collection, _
                       Optional ByVal OriginalDate As Date)

  ' If calendar entry is within or partially within report range, add
  ' its details to AppointToReport

  Dim AllDayEvent As Boolean
  Dim AppointDtls As String
  Dim AppointId As String
  Dim AppointIdMaster As String
  Dim BusyStatus As String
  Dim DateRecurrEnd As Date
  Dim DateRecurrStart As Date
  Dim DateAppointEnd As Date
  Dim DateAppointStart As Date
  Dim DayOfMonth As Long
  Dim DayOfWeekMask As String
  Dim DayOfWeekMaskCode As Long
  Dim DurationEntry As Long
  Dim DurationRecurr As Long
  Dim InxE As Long
  Dim Instance As Long
  Dim Interval As Long
  Dim Location As String
  Dim MonthOfYear As Long
  Dim NoEndDate As Boolean
  Dim NumOccurrences As Long
  Dim RecurrenceState As String
  Dim RecurrenceType As String
  Dim RecurrPattern As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
  Dim Subject As String
  Dim TimeStart As Date
  Dim TimeEnd As Date

  'Debug.Assert False

  ' Get values from calendar entry which identify if entry is within
  ' report range
  With CalEnt
    DateAppointStart = .Start
    DateAppointEnd = .End
    Select Case .RecurrenceState
      Case olApptNotRecurring
        'Debug.Assert False
        RecurrenceState = "Non-recurring calendar entry"
      Case olApptMaster
        'Debug.Assert False
        RecurrenceState = "Master calendar entry"
      Case olApptException
        'Debug.Assert False
        RecurrenceState = "Exception to Master calendar entry"
      Case olApptOccurrence
        Debug.Assert False
        ' I believe this state can only exist if GetOccurrence() is used
        ' to get a single occurrence of a Master entery. I do not believe
        ' it can appear as a calendar entry
        RecurrenceState = "Occurrence"
      Case Else
        Debug.Assert False
        RecurrenceState = "Unrecognised (" & .RecurrenceState & ")"
    End Select
  End With

  If RecurrenceState = "Master calendar entry" Then
    'Debug.Assert False
    Set RecurrPattern = CalEnt.GetRecurrencePattern()
    With RecurrPattern
      DateRecurrStart = .PatternStartDate
      DateRecurrEnd = .PatternEndDate
    End With
    If DateRecurrStart <= DateReportEnd And _
       DateRecurrEnd >= DateReportStart Then
      ' Some or all occurences of this Master entry are within report range
      'Debug.Assert False
      ' No occurences of this Master entry are within report range
      'Debug.Assert False
      Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Non recurring or exception appointment
    If DateAppointStart <= DateReportEnd And _
       DateAppointEnd >= DateReportStart Then
      ' Entry is within report range
      'Debug.Assert False
      ' Non recurring entry is not within report range
      'Debug.Assert False
      Exit Sub
    End If
  End If

  ' Calendar entry is within or partially within report period

  ' Get remaining properties from entry
  'Debug.Assert False
  With CalEnt
    AllDayEvent = .AllDayEvent
    AppointId = .GlobalAppointmentID
    Select Case .BusyStatus
      Case olBusy
        'Debug.Assert False
        BusyStatus = "Busy"
      Case olFree
        'Debug.Assert False
        BusyStatus = "Free"
      Case olOutOfOffice
       'Debug.Assert False
       BusyStatus = "Out of Office"
      Case olTentative
        Debug.Assert False
        BusyStatus = "Tentative appointment"
      Case olWorkingElsewhere
        'Debug.Assert False
        BusyStatus = "Working elsewhere"
      Case Else
        Debug.Assert False
        BusyStatus = "Not recognised (" & .BusyStatus & ")"
    End Select
    Location = .Location
    Subject = .Subject
  End With

  If RecurrenceState = "Exception to Master calendar entry" Then
    RecurrenceState = RecurrenceState & vbLf & _
                      "Master's Id: " & CalEnt.Parent.GlobalAppointmentID & vbLf & _
                      "Original Date: " & OriginalDate
  End If

  AppointDtls = RecurrenceState & vbLf & _
                "AllDayEvent: " & AllDayEvent & vbLf & _
                "AppointId: " & AppointId & vbLf & _
                "BusyStatus: " & BusyStatus & vbLf & _
                "DateAppointStart: " & DateAppointStart & vbLf & _
                "DateAppointEnd: " & DateAppointEnd & vbLf & _
                "DurationEntry: " & DurationEntry & vbLf & _
                "Location: " & Location & vbLf & _
                "Subject: " & Subject

  If RecurrenceState <> "Master calendar entry" Then
    ' AppointDtls complete for this appointment
    Call StoreSingleAppoint(Format(DateAppointStart, "yyyymmddhhmm"), _
                            AppointDtls, AppointToReport)
    'Debug.Assert False
    With RecurrPattern
      ' Not all parameters have a meaningful value for all RecurrenceTypes
      ' but the value always appears to be of the correct data type.
      DateRecurrStart = .PatternStartDate
      DateRecurrEnd = .PatternEndDate
      DayOfMonth = .DayOfMonth
      DayOfWeekMaskCode = .DayOfWeekMask
      DayOfWeekMask = ""
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olSaturday Then
        Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Saturday"
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olSaturday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olFriday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Friday" & DayOfWeekMask
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olFriday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olThursday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Thursday" & DayOfWeekMask
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olThursday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olWednesday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Wednesday" & DayOfWeekMask
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olWednesday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olTuesday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Tuesday" & DayOfWeekMask
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olTuesday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olMonday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Monday" & DayOfWeekMask
        DayOfWeekMaskCode = DayOfWeekMaskCode - olMonday
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMaskCode >= olSunday Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "+Sunday" & DayOfWeekMask
      End If
      If DayOfWeekMask = "" Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = "None"
        'Debug.Assert False
        DayOfWeekMask = Mid$(DayOfWeekMask, 2) ' Remove leading +
      End If
      DurationRecurr = .Duration
      Instance = .Instance
      Interval = .Interval
      MonthOfYear = .MonthOfYear
      NoEndDate = .NoEndDate
      NumOccurrences = .Occurrences
      Select Case .RecurrenceType
        Case olRecursDaily
          'Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "Daily"
        Case olRecursMonthly
          Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "Monthly"
        Case olRecursMonthNth
          Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "MonthNth"
        Case olRecursWeekly
          'Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "Weekly"
        Case olRecursYearly
          'Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "Yearly"
        Case olRecursYearNth
          Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "YearNth"
        Case Else
          Debug.Assert False
          RecurrenceType = "Unrecognised Value (" & RecurrenceType & ")"
      End Select
      TimeStart = .StartTime
      TimeEnd = .EndTime
    End With

    AppointDtls = AppointDtls & vbLf & "DateRecurrStart: " & DateRecurrStart _
                              & vbLf & "DateRecurrEnd: " & DateRecurrEnd _
                              & vbLf & "DayOfMonth: " & DayOfMonth _
                              & vbLf & "DayOfWeekMask: " & DayOfWeekMask _
                              & vbLf & "DurationRecurr: " & DurationRecurr _
                              & vbLf & "Instance: " & Instance _
                              & vbLf & "Interval: " & Interval _
                              & vbLf & "MonthOfYear: " & MonthOfYear _
                              & vbLf & "NoEndDate: " & NoEndDate _
                              & vbLf & "NumOccurrences: " & NumOccurrences _
                              & vbLf & "RecurrenceType: " & RecurrenceType _
                              & vbLf & "TimeStart: " & TimeStart & " (" & CDbl(TimeStart) & ")" _
                              & vbLf & "TimeEnd: " & TimeEnd & " (" & CDbl(TimeEnd) & ")"

    For InxE = 1 To RecurrPattern.Exceptions.Count
      AppointDtls = AppointDtls & vbLf & "Exception " & InxE & " for occurrence on " & _

    Call StoreSingleAppoint(Format(DateRecurrStart, "yyyymmddhhmm"), _
                            AppointDtls, AppointToReport)

    For InxE = 1 To RecurrPattern.Exceptions.Count
      Call DiagCalRecordEntry(RecurrPattern.Exceptions.Item(InxE).AppointmentItem, _
                              DateReportStart, DateReportEnd, AppointToReport, _

  End If ' RecurrenceState <> "Master calendar entry"

End Sub

Public Sub PutTextFileUtf8NoBom(ByVal PathFileName As String, ByVal FileBody As String)

  ' Outputs FileBody as a text file named PathFileName using
  ' UTF-8 encoding without leading BOM

  ' Needs reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects n.n Library"
  ' Addition to original code says version 2.5. Tested with version 6.1.

  '  1Nov16  Copied from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4461250/973283
  '          but replaced literals with parameters.
  ' 15Aug17  Discovered routine was adding an LF to the end of the file.
  '          Added code to discard that LF.
  ' 11Oct17  Posted to StackOverflow
  '  9Aug18  Comment from rellampec suggested removal of adWriteLine from
  '          WriteTest statement would avoid adding LF.
  ' 30Sep18  Amended routine to remove adWriteLine from WriteTest statement
  '          and code to remove LF from file. Successfully tested new version.

  ' References: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4461250/973283
  '             https://www.w3schools.com/asp/ado_ref_stream.asp

  Dim BinaryStream As Object
  Dim UTFStream As Object

  Set UTFStream = CreateObject("adodb.stream")

  UTFStream.Type = adTypeText
  UTFStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite
  UTFStream.Charset = "UTF-8"
  UTFStream.WriteText FileBody

  UTFStream.Position = 3 'skip BOM

  Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("adodb.stream")
  BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
  BinaryStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite

  UTFStream.CopyTo BinaryStream

  Set UTFStream = Nothing

  BinaryStream.SaveToFile PathFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite
  Set BinaryStream = Nothing

End Sub
Sub StoreSingleAppoint(ByVal SeqKey As String, _
                       ByVal AppointDtls As String, _
                       ByRef AppointToReport As Collection)

  ' Entries in AppointToReport are of the form:
  '    VBA.Array(SeqKey, AppointDtls)
  ' Add new entry to AppointToReport so entries are in ascending order by SeqKey

  Dim InxAtr As Long

  If AppointToReport.Count = 0 Then
    'Debug.Assert False
    ' first appointment
    AppointToReport.Add VBA.Array(SeqKey, AppointDtls)
    For InxAtr = AppointToReport.Count To 1 Step -1
      If SeqKey >= AppointToReport(InxAtr)(0) Then
        ' New appointment belongs after this existing entry
        'Debug.Assert False
        AppointToReport.Add VBA.Array(SeqKey, AppointDtls), , , InxAtr
        Exit Sub
      End If
    ' If get here, new appointment belongs before all existing appointments
    'Debug.Assert False
    AppointToReport.Add VBA.Array(SeqKey, AppointDtls), , 1
  End If

End Sub
