首页 > 解决方案 > Google App Engine 上的不同项目具有相同的 dns 记录


我在 Google App Engine 中有两个项目,我有自己的域,我想从中访问它们。我已将自定义域添加到每个项目,但发现 Google App Engine 提供的 dns 记录完全相同,因此我的两个不同域(例如:abc.com、xyz.com)的域现在都连接到同一个网站。

标签: google-app-engine


Technically all GAE apps are mapped from the DNS perspective to the same ingress infrastructure via either appspot.com or, for custom domains, ghs.googlehosted.com, so it is expected for their IP addresses to fall into a very small range (4 addresses presently).

Serving a particular GAE app is done by extracting the app id from the appspot. com subdomain or from the configured custom domain mapping.

If you unexpectedly see a different app and you want help debugging you need to provide details about your app's environment and configuration.
