首页 > 解决方案 > 大于等于评估不正确


比较操作,“If Then”循环中的 ">=" 语句首先正确计算 2-3 次,然后错误,然后在 For Next 外循环的最后一个循环中正确计算。当我通过循环逐步调试时,正在比较的变量位于数组中并且具有正确的值。我很困惑为什么会发生这种情况。

想过更改数组变量的数据类型,但我认为我必须对 Excel VBA 数组使用“变体”。

'Calculate Deviance

    S3 = 0
    For i = 1 To N
        S4 = 0
        If A(i, 4) <= 0 Then
            S3 = S3 + S4
            S4 = 0
            E2 = A(i, 5) * X
            If E2 < E1 Then
                E2 = Exp(-E2)
                S4 = A(i, 4) * Log(A(i, 4) / (A(i, 3) * (1 - E2)))
                S3 = S3 + S4
                S4 = 0
                E2 = 0
                S4 = A(i, 4) * Log(A(i, 4) / (A(i, 3) * (1 - E2)))
                S3 = S3 + S4
                S4 = 0
            End If
        End If

        If A(i, 4) >= A(i, 3) Then 'problem is right here. this statement.!
            S3 = S3 + S4
            S4 = A(i, 3) - A(i, 4)
            S4 = S4 * (Log(S4 / A(i, 3)) + A(i, 5) * X)
            S3 = S3 + S4
        End If
    Next i

'Array input
'   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
'a(i,1) 0.25    0.25    0.5 0.5 1   1   1
'a(i,2) 1   0.1 0.01    0.001   0.001   0.0001  0.00001
'a(I,3) 10  10  8   10  12  12  12
'a(i,4) 10  10  8   5   7   2   0
'a(i,5) a(i,1)*a(i,2)

标签: excelvba


这可能是一个浮点错误,因为计算机无法在固定空间中准确地表示数字。然而,通常这个错误非常小并且不会形成问题。更多阅读请访问:https ://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html

以下示例显示了浮点误差: sub 计算 2 的平方根,n 次,并以 2 种不同的方式计算总和。

sub FloatingPointError()
Dim x As Double, y As Double, n As Integer
x = 0
n = 100
y = n * (2 ^ 0.5) 'expected result is 1,4142135623731 * 100 = 141,42135623731

    For i = 1 To n
        x = x + (2 ^ 0.5) 'Calculate square root of 2 and add to the previous value
    Next i

Debug.Print "value of x:            "; x
Debug.Print "value of n * sqrt(2):  "; n * (2 ^ 0.5)

    If y - x = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "They are equal"
        Debug.Print "They are not equal"
    End If

End Sub


value of x:             141,421356237309 
value of n * sqrt(2):   141,42135623731 
They are not equal

