首页 > 解决方案 > 匹配 JSON 对象中的键/值


我有一个学校项目,我们正在学习 JSON。我要做的是弄清楚如何将键与另一个对象属性中存在的其他键匹配。

我正在使用旧的 api 来提取 nfl 播放器信息。以下是提取数据的 url 示例:


我正在使用 AJAX 调用数据并将结果字符串化到一个表中。

   url: queryURL,
   method: "GET"
   }).then(function(response) {
     var tbl = $("<table>");
    var objCount = JSON.stringify(response.players.length);


    for (p = 1; p < 2; p++) {
      var id = response.players[p].id;
      var team = response.players[p].teamAbbr;
      var pos = response.players[p].position;
      var plyr = response.players[p].name;
      var stat = JSON.stringify(response.players[p].stats);
      var plyrStatsObjLen = 
  console.log("statObjLength: " + plyrStatsObjLen);

       $.each(response.players[p].stats, function(key, value) {
         console.log(key + ": " + value);

  $(tbl).append("<tr><td>" + id + "</td><td>" + team + "</td><td>" + pos + "</td><td>" + plyr + "</td><td>" + stat + "</td>");



这是我正在做的事情: https ://jsfiddle.net/kenneth2k1/kcf5duLr/

如果您注意到结果,我将 stats 属性分离到它自己的列中,但它仍然在对象的键/值结构中。

现在,这是另一个包含每个统计信息的网址: https ://api.fantasy.nfl.com/v1/game/stats?format=json

"stats": [
"id": 1,
"abbr": "GP",
"name": "Games Played",
"shortName": "GP"
"id": 2,
"abbr": "Att",
"name": "Passing Attempts",
"shortName": "Pass Att"
"id": 3,
"abbr": "Comp",
"name": "Passing Completions",
"shortName": "Pass Comp"
}, ... and so on

因此,例如键 ID“1”对应于 stat 引用对象中的“Games Played”。

我对这一切都很陌生,所以我无法理解的是,如果我想用来自 stats 引用对象的相应名称值替换输出中的键,我该怎么做?

例如来自 jsfiddle 输出,而不是



Games Played: 9, Rushing Attempts: 1

我希望这是有道理的。基本上我想学习如何将一个 JSON 对象中的键与另一个对象中的键值匹配。


标签: javascriptjqueryjsonajax


您可以将第二个 AJAX 调用嵌套在第一个调用的成功函数中,然后将变量分配和表创建放入第二个成功函数中。在第二个成功函数中,您将使用简单的for循环将玩家数据中的每个数字统计信息与统计数据中的正确名称进行匹配,如下所示:

$(document).ready(function () {

  var statType = "seasonStats";
  var season = "2018";
  var week = "15";

  var playersURL = "https://api.fantasy.nfl.com/v1/players/stats?format=json" + "&statType=" + statType + "&season=" + season + "&week=" + week;
  var statURL = "https://api.fantasy.nfl.com/v1/game/stats?format=json";

  // Now we get the stats
    url: statURL,
    method: "GET",
    success: function (response) {
      const stats = response.stats;

      // Then we get the players
        url: playersURL,
        method: "GET",
        success: function (response) {
          const players = response.players;

          // Now we do the rest of the logic

          // Here's our table creation and header
          var tbl = $("<table>");

          // Here's where we create variables for each individual player
          for (p = 0; p < 1; p++) {
            let id = players[p].id;
            let team = players[p].teamAbbr;
            let pos = players[p].position;
            let plyr = players[p].name;
            // We create an empty object to hold the named statistics we're about to find
            let statistics = {};

            // Now we'll loop over the players and statistics to get names for all the stats
            playerStats = players[p].stats;
            for (playerStat in playerStats) {
              for (s = 0; s < stats.length; s++) {
                // if the player's statistic matches the id of the property from the stats object, we add that stat name and its total for that player as a property of the object we created above
                if (playerStat === JSON.stringify(stats[s].id)) {
                  let statName = stats[s].name;
                  let statCount = playerStats[playerStat];
                  statistics[statName] = statCount;
            // Now we turn our statistics object into text that can actually go into our table
            let prettyStats = "";
            for (statistic in statistics) {
              prettyStats = prettyStats + `${statistic}: ${statistics[statistic]}

            // Now that we have data for the player, we add a row to our table
            $(tbl).append("<tr><td>" + id + "</td><td>" + team + "</td><td>" + pos + "</td><td>" + plyr + "</td><td>" + prettyStats + "</td>");

          //Here's the bottom of our table and its creation inside the div



您可能希望对 的输出进行进一步的文本格式化prettyStats,但它会为您提供您正在寻找的数据。
