首页 > 解决方案 > 两个相互引用的通用接口


我正在尝试编写两个泛型类/接口 Tile ( interface Tile<S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>>) 和 Side ( abstract class Side<T extends Tile<? extends Side<T>>>),其中一个接口的泛型类型引用了另一个接口。

现在,当我尝试像这样实现 Tile 接口时:

public abstract class TileImpl<S> implements Tile<S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>

我必须继续写 S 类型的界限:

S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>


public interface Tile<S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>> {

    S getSide(Direction d);

     * Returns true if the current instance of Tile and the Tile t
     * fit together.
     * @param t a tile adjacent to the current tile
     * @param d the position of the tile t with respect to the current tile
     * @return true if the current tile and the tile t fit together
    boolean fitsWith(Tile<S> t, Direction d);

public abstract class Side<T extends Tile<? extends Side<T>>> {
    private final T parent;

    public Side(T parent) {
        this.parent = parent; 

    public T getParent() {
        return parent;

标签: javagenerics


public abstract class TileImpl<S> implements Tile<S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>


public abstract class TileImpl<S extends Side<? extends Tile<S>>> implements Tile<S>
