首页 > 解决方案 > 位图流到c#中的视频howto?


我有一个通过 webrtc 库接收视频流的代码,它在其函数中将它们显示在 a 中PictureBox,我的问题是..如何将该流从 传递PictureBox到我计算机上的视频?

public unsafe void OnRenderRemote(byte* yuv, uint w, uint h)
    lock (pictureBoxRemote)
        if (0 == encoderRemote.EncodeI420toBGR24(yuv, w, h, ref bgrBuffremote, true))
            if (remoteImg == null)  
                var bufHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(bgrBuffremote, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                remoteImg = new Bitmap((int)w, (int)h, (int)w * 3, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, bufHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()); 

        Invoke(renderRemote, this);
    catch // don't throw on form exit

此代码通过 webrtc 接收流并将其转换为图像,然后在PictureBox调用此函数时显示.. 我的问题是:



FileWriter.Open ("C:\\Users\\assa\\record.avi", (int) w, (int) h, (int) w * 3, VideoCodec.Default, 5000000);
FileWriter.WriteVideoFrame (remoteImg);




标签: c#videobitmapstream


First: i do not know how the webrtc works exactly, but i can explain you how you must process the images to save them into a file.

Ok lets start: You currently have only full sized bitmaps of your own that are coming from the lib. That is just fine as long as you do not care about file size and you only want to show the "latest" frame. To store multiple frames into a file that we would call a "video" you need an encoder that processes those frames together.

Complicated things simple: An encoder takes 2 frames, call them Frame A and B and then compresses them in a way that only changes from Frame A to frame B are saved. This saves a lot of storage because in a video we only want to see "changes" aka movments from one frame to another. There are quite a lot of encoders out there but mostly you can see ffmpeg out there, its very popular and there are quite a lot c# wrappers for it so take a look.

Summery: to make 2-x images a "video" you have the process them with an encoder that processes the images in a format that can be played by a video player.
