首页 > 解决方案 > Simple play/scala benchmark, rendering a view versus a raw text output comparison


I was just benchmarking a new play/scala application.

When performing a simple text output in my action, I get 60K requests per second.

If I render a view (see below), it drops to 13K per second. Since views are just functions in scala, I would have expected that the extra overhead of calling a function wouldn't drop the requests per second down so dramatically.

I only ran the benchmark for 10-30 seconds, would it take longer for the jvm to optimize maybe or this is just expected behavour?

def index() = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>

If I actually render a view, the requests per second drops to about 13K.

def index() = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>



@main("Welcome to Play") {
  <h1>Welcome to Play!</h1>


 * This template is called from the `index` template. This template
 * handles the rendering of the page header and body tags. It takes
 * two arguments, a `String` for the title of the page and an `Html`
 * object to insert into the body of the page.
@(title: String)(content: Html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        @* Here's where we render the page title `String`. *@
        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="@routes.Assets.versioned("stylesheets/main.css")">
        <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="@routes.Assets.versioned("images/favicon.png")">

        @* And here's where we render the `Html` object containing
         * the page content. *@

      <script src="@routes.Assets.versioned("javascripts/main.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

标签: scalaplayframework


正如我在评论中已经说过的那样,视图不是一个微不足道的功能。它执行字符串连接,并且还调用routes.Assets.versioned了 3 次。分析会话显示,视图基本上只等待这个函数:




也许您可以打开一个问题并询问 Play 框架创建者,是否可以更好地优化资产服务?


"render the index page from a new instance of controller" in {
  val controller = new HomeController(stubControllerComponents())
  val indexAction = controller.index()
  val fakeRequest = FakeRequest(GET, "/")

  var i = 100000
  while (i > 0) {
    i -= 1

但这并不排除某些组件在生产模式下的行为会有所不同。因此,我运行sbt stage并启动了生成的应用程序,将分析器附加到正在运行的 JVM,并对分析的 JVM 执行了 10000 个请求。结果是一样的。
