首页 > 解决方案 > 在一系列任务中产生更长延迟的更好方法是什么?



在一系列任务中延长延迟的更好方法是什么?(比如 3-4 个月)。现在有两种方法在我脑海中萦绕:

  1. 预先计算并节省延迟时间。设置一个调度程序,将在特定时间间隔(可能 1 分钟)后重复检查延迟。这将进行大量的数据库查询,但延迟可以立即更改。

  2. 安排一个延迟的工作。这可以减少很多数据库查询,但问题是维护和更改这些长时间运行的作业的延迟。此外,这些作业需要在服务器崩溃或重启后幸存下来。


标签: node.jscronscheduling


You can store the tasks into the database, like :

   _id: String,
   status: Enum,
   executionTime: timestamp,

When you declare a new task, push a new entry into the DB.

At your server start, or when a new task is declared, create a setTimeout that will wake up your node.js when it's necessary.


To avoid having X setTimeout, with X the number of task to execute. Keep only one setTimeout, with the time to wait equals to the closest task to execute.

For example, you have three task, one must run in 1 hour, one in 2 hour and one in 3 hour. Use a setTimeout of 1 hour. When it get triggered, it execute the task 1 and then look at the remaining tasks to re-run.
