首页 > 解决方案 > MS-Access 按钮正在使用 fileModDate = f.DateLastModified;我如何将 fileModDate 与今天的日期进行比较



Private Sub Command19_Click()

    Dim FSO As Object

    Dim FromPath As String
    Dim ToPath As String
    Dim FileExt As String

    Dim fileModDate As String

    Dim Response2 As Integer

    'To have a second message box, do I need to set another parameter here? I.E Dim Response3 As Integer (?)

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.GetFile("\\file_path\file_name.csv")

    fileModDate = f.DateLastModified

    Response2 = MsgBox(prompt:="Files are dated - " & fileModDate & ". Do you wish to Continue?", Buttons:=vbYesNo)

    If Response2 = vbNo Then

        Exit Sub


        'I assume I need to compare fileModDate to current date here. IF this is today's date then continue, IF NOT, then prompt user with message, "Button date does not match today's date". Do not allow user to continue until they have clicked a button for which the fileModDate = today's date.

    End If

    FromPath = "\\file_path"
    ToPath = "\\file_path"

    MsgBox "Files Copied"

End Sub


标签: vbams-access


这是你想要的吗 ?

    If Format(F.DateLastModified, "dd/mm/yyyy") <> Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy") Then
        MsgBox ("Button date does not match today's date")
        Exit Sub
    End If
