首页 > 解决方案 > 如何覆盖方法保存模板方法模式




public abstract class Generic
    public Generic()
        Console.WriteLine("This is the generic");


    protected abstract void SetRules();


public class Derivated2 : Generic
    private int _parameter;

    public Derivated2(int parameter)
        this._parameter = parameter;

    protected override void SetRules()
        int x = 0;
        x = 1 + 3;

        Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("This is the derivated2 with x: ", x, "; _parameter: ", _parameter));


当我调用我的 derivated2 类时,我无法使用/查看声明中指定的变量值:

public static void Main()
    Derivated2 _class1 = new Derivated2(2);


This is the generic
This is the derivated2 one with x: 4; _parameter: 0

如何在覆盖的 asbtract 方法上查看/使用我的变量?如果我不能,那么无论开发人员做什么并且还可以在他的派生类中使用私有变量,实现我的目标的最佳方法是什么,确保 SetRules 方法将被调用?


在抽象泛型类上调用 SetRules

在派生类上调用 SetRules

标签: c#asp.nettemplatesdesign-patterns


问题是您正在调用 Generic 构造函数,它将在调用 Derivated2 构造函数之前调用 SetRules,这意味着您的参数尚未设置。你可以试试这个。

public abstract class Generic
    public Generic(int parameter)
        Console.WriteLine("This is the generic");


    protected abstract void SetRules(int paramter);

public class Derivated2 : Generic

    public Derivated2(int parameter) : base(parameter){ }

    protected override void SetRules(int parameter)
        int x = 0;
        x = 1 + 3;

        Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("This is the derivated2 with x: ", x, "; _parameter: ", parameter));
public static void Main()
    Derivated2 _class1 = new Derivated2(2);

正如您所说,每次要创建新类时都必须调用 SetRules 并不好,所以这意味着您不必(快速将其放在一起,因此您需要修复它)

public abstract class Generic
    public Generic()
        Console.WriteLine("This is the generic");

    public abstract void SetRules();

public sealed class Derivated2 : Generic
    int _param;

    public Derivated2(RulesWithParameters rules) {
        _param = rules.Parameter;

    public override void SetRules()
        int x = 0;
        x = 1 + 3;

        Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("This is the derivated2 with x: ", x, "; _parameter: ", _param));
public void Main()
    var rules = new RulesWithParameters{
        Parameter = 5
    var _class1 = FactoryMethod<Derivated2>(rules);

    var _class2 = FactoryMethod<Derivated1>(null);

public class Derivated1 : Generic
    public Derivated1(Rules rules)

    public override void SetRules()
        Console.WriteLine("This is the derivated1");
public class Rules
    public string RuleName {get; set;}

public class RulesWithParameters : Rules{
    public int Parameter { get; set;}

public Generic FactoryMethod<T>(Rules rules) where T : Generic
    T instance = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), rules);;
    return instance;
