首页 > 解决方案 > 按字母顺序取消连续字符的资格。Sol [ASCII 格式]


我的朋友给了我这个问题。该问题要求从给定的字符串输入中删除所有按字母顺序排列的连续字符。所以我使用 Javascript 完成了它,如果我准确地执行它,我需要专家帮助。

我认为使用 Array.prototype.reduce 将是最好的方法,我们还有其他可能的方法吗?

 * @author Abhishek Mittal <abhishekmittaloffice@gmail.com>
 * @description function can deal with both any types followed in a consecutive manner in ASCII Chart.
 * @param {string} str 
function improvise(str) {
    // Backup for original input.
    const bck = str || '';
    const bckArr = bck.split('').map( e => e.charCodeAt(0)); // converting the alphabets into its ASCII for simplicity and reducing the mayhem.

    let result = bckArr.reduce( (acc, n) => {
            // Setting up flag
            let flag1 = n - acc.rand[acc.rand.length - 1];
            let flag2 = n - acc.temp;

            if(flag1 === 1 || flag2 === 1) {
                (flag2 !== NaN && flag2 !== 1) ? acc.rand.pop() : null; // update the latest value with according to the case.
                acc.temp = n
                acc.rand.push(n); // updating the random to latest state.
                acc.temp = null;

        return acc;

    }, {rand: [], temp: null} /* setting up accumulative situation of the desired result */) 

    result = result.rand.map(e => String.fromCharCode(e)).join('')
    return result ? result : '' ;

function init() {
    const str = "ab145c";
    const final = improvise(str);

好吧,输出结果是正确的。输入:ab145c 输出:1c

标签: javascriptarraysstringdata-manipulation




const code = char => char
? char.charCodeAt(0)
: -2; // will not be === to any other codes after addition or subtraction
function improvise(str) {
  return [...str]
    .filter((char, i) => {
      const thisCode = code(char);
      return (
        thisCode !== code(str[i - 1]) + 1
        && thisCode !== code(str[i + 1]) - 1




const code = char => char
? char.charCodeAt(0)
: -2; // will not be === to any other codes after addition or subtraction
function improvise(str) {
  return [...str]
    .filter((char, i) => {
      const thisCode = code(char);
      return (
        thisCode !== code(str[i - 1]) + 1
        && thisCode !== code(str[i + 1]) - 1

let result = 'hishakmitalaaaaabbbbbbcccccclmnojqyz';
let same = false;
while (!same) {
  const newResult = improvise(result);
  if (newResult !== result) {
    result = newResult;
  } else {
    same = true;
console.log('FINAL:', result);
