首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使类中的函数每行多次删除单词


下面的代码应该清除 frack 这个词,并且可能是一个坏词列表。但目前问题在于功能clean_line。如果文本行有两次以上的压裂,它只取第一个,也不会对大写字母做出反应。

class Cleaner:
    def __init__(self, forbidden_word = "frack"):
        """ Set the forbidden word """
        self.word = forbidden_word

    def clean_line(self, line):
        """Clean up a single string, replacing the forbidden word by *beep!*"""
        found = line.find(self.word)
        if found != -1:
            return line[:found] + "*beep!*" + line[found+len(self.word):]
        return line

    def clean(self, text):
        for i in range(len(text)):
            text[i] = self.clean_line(text[i])

example_text = [
        "What the frack! I am not going",
        "to honour that question with a response.",
        "In fact, I think you should",
        "get the fracking frack out of here!",
        "Frack you!"

clean_text = Cleaner().clean(example_text)

for line in example_text: print(line)

标签: pythonpython-3.xclass



# Using regular expressions makes string manipulation easier
import re

example_text = [
    "What the frack! I am not going",
    "to honour that question with a response.",
    "In fact, I think you should",
    "get the fracking frack out of here!",
    "Frack you!"

# The pattern below gets rid of all words which start with 'frack'
filter = re.compile(r'frack\w*', re.IGNORECASE)

# We then apply this filter to each element in the example_text list
clean = [filter.sub("", e) for e in example_text]


['What the ! I am not going', 
 'to honour that question with a response.', 
 'In fact, I think you should', 
 'get the   out of here!', 
 ' you!']
