首页 > 解决方案 > 如何连接三个二维数组,它们各自的数组中包含色调、饱和度和强度值,并将其显示为图像?


我是图像处理和 python 的新手。正如您从我的代码中看到的那样,我设法通过使用我找到的不同公式将我的 RGB 图像转换为 HSI。


import math 
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("D:\\Texture analysis\\trees-clolorful-aerial-view-wallpaper.jpg")

rgb_img = img.convert('RGB')

row, col = img.size

print(row, col)

i = j = 0

satValue = 0 
inValue = 0 
hueValue = 0

squareValue = 0

hueArray = [[0 for x in range(row)] for y in range(col)]
satArray = [[0 for x in range(row)] for y in range(col)] 
inArray = [[0 for x in range(row)] for y in range(col)]

division = 0 
denominator = 0 
numerator = 0 
radAngle = 0 
degAngle = 0 
product = 0 
sqr = 0 
count = 0 
uCount = 0

while i < row:
    j = 0
    while j < col:
        red, green, blue = rgb_img.getpixel((i, j))

        hRed = sRed = iRed = red
        hGreen = sGreen = iGreen = green
        hBlue = sBlue = iBlue = blue

# =========================Saturation Calculation==============================
        if sRed == 0 and sGreen == 0 and sBlue == 0:
            satValue = 0
            satArray[i][j] = 0
            if (sRed < sGreen) and (sRed < sBlue):
                satValue = 1 - (((3) * (sRed)) / (sRed + sGreen + sBlue))
                satArray[i][j] = satValue
    #            print(satValue)
            elif (sGreen < sRed) and (sGreen < sBlue):
                satValue = 1 - (((3) * (sGreen)) / (sRed + sGreen + sBlue))
                satArray[i][j] = satValue
    #            print(satValue)
                satValue = 1 - (((3) * (sBlue)) / (sRed + sGreen + sBlue))
                satArray[i][j] = satValue
    #            print(satValue)
# =============================================================================

# ==========================Intensity Calculation==============================
        inValue = (iRed + iGreen + iBlue) / 3
        inArray[i][j] = inValue
        count += 1
        print(inValue, count)
# =============================================================================    

# =============================Hue Calculation=================================
        product = (hRed - hBlue) * (hGreen - hBlue)

        sqr = (hRed - hGreen) * (hRed - hGreen)
        denominator = math.sqrt(sqr + product)

        if denominator != 0:
            numerator = ((hRed - hGreen) + (hRed - hBlue)) / 2
            division = numerator / denominator

            radAngle = math.acos(division)
            degAngle = math.degrees(radAngle)

            if hBlue <= hGreen:
                hueValue = degAngle
                hueArray[i][j] = hueValue
            elif hBlue > hGreen:
                hueValue = 360 - degAngle
                hueArray[i][j] = hueValue
        elif denominator == 0:
            hueValue = 0
            hueArray[i][j] = hueValue
        #print(hueValue, count)
# =============================================================================

        j += 1
    i += 1 print(i, j)


标签: arrayspython-3.ximage-processing



#!/usr/bin/env python3

from PIL import Image

img    = Image.open('start.png')
hsvimg = img.convert('HSV')


OSError: cannot write mode HSV as PNG

因为,PNG 图像始终处于 sRGB 色彩空间中,因此它正确地拒绝写入您的 HSV 图像。但问题是,色彩空间转换确实有效,图像中的值实际上是您想要的 HSV 值。您可以通过以下方式检查:



X你喜欢的Y任何随机坐标在哪里。您将看到后者始终是前者 RGB 颜色的正确 HSV 表示。

我不确定您总体上要做什么,所以我无法给出正确的建议,但您可以做的一件事是“咬牙切齿”并告诉 PIL/Pillow 图像是 RGB,即使您知道它是单纯疱疹病毒。所以如果你这样做:

hsvimg = img.convert('HSV')
hsvimg.mode='RGB'               # Tell PIL image is RGB


我猜你还有其他处理要做,这只是你处理的一个中间方面,所以它可能无关紧要,你可以继续进行处理并在最后转换回来并保存为 sRGB PNG文件而不需要说谎。

在回答您的实际问题时,您可以使用 PIL/Pillow 拆分和合并这样的频道:

# Split and recombine with PIL
r,g,b  = img.split()
merged = Image.merge(mode='RGB',bands=(r,g,b)))

或者,如果您更喜欢 Numpy,它通常更快:

# Open image as Numpy array
img = np.array(Image.open('start.png'))
# Split into 3 channels/arrays/bands
r = img[:, :, 0]
g = img[:, :, 1]
b = img[:, :, 2]
# Recombine to single image
merged = np.dstack((r, g, b))
