首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为 Cloudwatch 创建自定义文本格式化程序?


如前所述,我不明白如何为 Amazon Cloudwatch 创建自定义文本格式化程序:

var formatter = new MyCustomTextFormatter();

我正在尝试将 Serilog 日志写入 Amazon CloudWatch 而不是本地硬盘。为此,我正在关注此回购:


private readonly ITextFormatter textFormatter;

public ILoggerFactory ConfigureLogger()
    LoggerFactory factory = new LoggerFactory();

    var logGroupName = "myLoggrouName";
    var region = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1;
    var client = new AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient(region);
   //var formatter = new MyCustomTextFormatter();

    var options = new CloudWatchSinkOptions()
        LogGroupName = logGroupName,
        //TextFormatter = formatter,
        MinimumLogEventLevel = LogEventLevel.Information,
        BatchSizeLimit = 100,
        QueueSizeLimit = 10000,
        Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
        CreateLogGroup = true,
        LogStreamNameProvider = new DefaultLogStreamProvider(),
        RetryAttempts = 5

      Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .WriteTo.AmazonCloudWatch(options, client)

    return factory;

能够将 Serilog 写入 Cloudwatch。

标签: c#.net-coreamazon-cloudwatchserilogtext-formatting


我今天通过了同样的情况,我发现自定义格式化程序 - 默认情况下没有设置 - 它用于设置日志的写入方式,因此它将出现在 AWS 日志中。

您可以使用 Serilog 提供的界面开始创建简单的格式化程序,并根据您的情况进行调整。

public class AWSTextFormatter : ITextFormatter
    public void Format(LogEvent logEvent, TextWriter output)
        output.Write("Timestamp - {0} | Level - {1} | Message {2} {3}", logEvent.Timestamp, logEvent.Level, logEvent.MessageTemplate, output.NewLine);
        if (logEvent.Exception != null)
            output.Write("Exception - {0}", logEvent.Exception);


var customFormatter = new AWSTextFormatter();

 var options = new CloudWatchSinkOptions
  // the name of the CloudWatch Log group for logging
  LogGroupName = logGroupName,

  // the main formatter of the log event
  TextFormatter = customFormatter,

  // other defaults defaults
  MinimumLogEventLevel = LogEventLevel.Information,
  BatchSizeLimit = 100,
  QueueSizeLimit = 10000,
  Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
  CreateLogGroup = true,
  LogStreamNameProvider = new DefaultLogStreamProvider(),
  RetryAttempts = 5

在该方法中,您可以访问 LogEvent 并获取所需的所有信息。这一个类似于他们在 lib 中使用的,编写事件、异常和一些细节。


Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
     .WriteTo.RollingFile(customFormatter, Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "Logs", "Log-{Date}.txt"))
     .WriteTo.AmazonCloudWatch(options, client)


Timestamp - 1/9/2019 11:52:11 AM -02:00 | Level - Fatal | Message PROBLEM STARTING 
 Exception - Couchbase.Configuration.Server.Serialization.BootstrapException: Could not 
 bootstrap - check inner exceptions for details.
