首页 > 解决方案 > AWS Lambda (Java) 调用错误的 Object 实例


我对 AWS Lambda 调用有一个不寻常的问题,在搜索时没有找到太多关于这个的问题。我希望这里有人对 Java 垃圾收集器和/或 AWS lambda 容器有更深入的了解。

我创建了一个自定义 PrintStream 来捕获来自 System.out 和 System.err 的打印输出。目的是通过记录器记录这些打印输出,以便为消息添加一些更有用的信息。

CustomPrintStream.write 在第一次调用之后的每次调用时触发,它仍然使用第一次调用的对象。这意味着当我使用变量 timeWhenFunctionStarted 时,它包含第一次调用的值,并且经过的时间不正确。



在第一次调用(冷启动)期间,一切都如预期的那样,一致的 ms 和相同的哈希码:

START RequestId: {requestid1} Version: $LATEST
2019-01-09 12:37:09.175 [INFO]  {requestid1} START  (1 ms)      hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:09.193 [DEBUG] {requestid1}        (18 ms)     hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:09.213 [INFO]  {requestid1}        (38 ms)     hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:13.813 [TRACE] {requestid1}        (4638 ms)   hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:16.143 [INFO]  {requestid1}        (6968 ms)   hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:16.143 [INFO]  {requestid1} END    (6968 ms)   hashcode: 601008104 //other stuff
END RequestId: {requestid1}
REPORT RequestId: {requestid1} Duration: 7207.15 ms Billed Duration: 7300 ms Memory Size: 512 MB Max Memory Used: 113 MB

当在同一个容器中再次调用 lambda 函数时会出现此问题,请参阅 hashcode、requestid 和 ms 以了解跟踪日志记录事件:

START RequestId: {requestid2} Version: $LATEST
2019-01-09 12:37:29.717 [INFO]  {requestid2} START  (0 ms)      hashcode: 2117173674 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:29.717 [DEBUG] {requestid2}        (1 ms)      hashcode: 2117173674 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:29.718 [INFO]  {requestid2}        (1 ms)      hashcode: 2117173674 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:29.815 [TRACE] {requestid1}        (20640 ms)  hashcode: 601008104  //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:30.075 [INFO]  {requestid2}        (358 ms)    hashcode: 2117173674 //other stuff
2019-01-09 12:37:30.075 [INFO]  {requestid2} END    (358 ms)    hashcode: 2117173674 //other stuff
END RequestId: {requestid2}
REPORT RequestId: {requestid2} Duration: 358.78 ms Billed Duration: 400 ms Memory Size: 512 MB Max Memory Used: 116 MB 


public class CustomLogger {

    //Constructor setting System out to object of class customPrintStream
    public CustomLogger(...) {
        //other stuff
        this.logger = context.getLogger();
        this.baosSystemOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        this.customPrintStreamObject= new customPrintStream(baosSystemOut);

    //Every logged message goes through here.
    private void logMessages(String[] messages, String logLevel) {
        //other stuff
        String formatedMessage = ... System.currentTimeMillis() - timeWhenFunctionStarted ... System.hashcode(this) ...;

    //called from CustomPrintStream class and from Lambda function handler, same for TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR.
    public class logTRACE(String... messages){
        //other stuff
        logMessages(messages, "TRACE");

    //private class to catch logging
    private class CustomPrintStream extends PrintStream {
        //other stuff
        public void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
            //other stuff

CustomLogger 从不存在问题的 Lambda 函数处理程序调用:

//other stuff
CustomLogger logger = new CustomLogger(...);

当从 CustomPrintStream 类调用日志记录时会出现问题,我尝试在程序完成后将 CustomPrintStream 和记录器设置为 null 并从超类手动调用 finalize 方法,但这并没有改变任何东西。

我想要发生的是打印输出使用记录器对象中的 CustomPrintStream 进行当前调用。


标签: javaamazon-web-servicesgarbage-collectionaws-lambda


至少解决了这个问题。将 CustomPrintStream 移出 CustomLogger 类。
