首页 > 解决方案 > Scapy - 层的长度字段


我正在尝试使用 Scapy 构建 PTPv2 协议。该协议中的消息类型很少,所以我用ConditionalField不同的字段选项来描述:

class PTPv2(Packet):
    name = "Precision Time Protocol V2"
    fields_desc = [
        # Header
        BitField('transportSpecific', 1, 4),
        BitEnumField('messageType', 0, 4, Message_Types),
        ByteField('versionPTP', 2),
        LenField('messageLength', None),
        ByteField('subdomainNumber', 0),
        ByteField('empty1', 0),
        XShortField('flags', 0),
        LongField('correction', 0),
        IntField('empty2', 0),
        XLongField('ClockIdentity', 0),
        XShortField('SourcePortId', 0),
        XShortField('sequenceId', 0),
        ByteField('control', 0),
        SignedByteField('logMessagePeriod', 0),

    # SYNC message, messageType=0
        ConditionalField(XBitField('TimestampSec', 0, 48),lambda pkt: pkt.messageType==0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('TimestampNanoSec', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 0),

    # Follow up message, messageType=8
        ConditionalField(XBitField('preciseOriginTimestampSec', 0, 48), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 8),
        ConditionalField(IntField('preciseOriginTimestampNanoSec', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 8)

     # Path delay resp follow up message, messageType=0xA
        ConditionalField(XBitField('responseOriginTimestampSec', 0, 48), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 0xA),
        ConditionalField(IntField('responseOriginTimestampNanoSec', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 0xA),
        ConditionalField(XLongField('requestingSourcePortIdentity', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 0xA),
        ConditionalField(XShortField('requestingSourcePortId', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.messageType == 0xA)

现在,我希望该messageLength字段描述图层的长度,并根据现有字段自动计算。它应该描述 PTPv2 层中所有字段的长度,从第一个 ( transportSpecific) 开始。

我读过PacketLenFieldand FieldLenField,但似乎它们都描述了一个字段的长度,而不是一组字段(据我了解)。

我还阅读了关于LenField(在代码中写为类型),但它计算下一层的长度,而不是当前层的长度(所以在这种情况下总是给出 0)。



标签: pythonscapyvariable-length


这通常使用post_build回调在 scapy 中完成,如下所示:(您需要将其添加到您的数据包中)


def post_build(self, p, pay):
    # p += pay  # if you also want the payload to be taken into account
    if self.messageLength is None:
        tmp_len = len(p) # edit as you want
        p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len) + p[4:]  # Adds length as short on bytes 3-4
    return p + pay # edit if previous is changed

然后,您可以相应地使用 ByteField/ShortField... 而不是 LenField。

PacketLenField是当你使用 aPacketListField并且FieldLenFieldFieldListField
