首页 > 解决方案 > Python OpenCV实时图像拼接(n=5)性能优化



我正在遵循这个 github repo的方法:


该仓库中的代码有效,但速度非常慢。我已经能够显着提高它的性能(300 倍),但仍然需要 0.25 秒来拼接一张包含五张图像的全景图(在 2015 年的 Macbook Pro 上)。

缓慢的部分:将每个结果cv2.warpPerspective(...)应用于拼接到该点的图像。我目前正在通过使用 alpha 通道并混合两个图像来做到这一点,灵感来自这个 SO answer正是这种混合使缝合变慢。


def blend_transparent(background, foreground):
    overlay_img = foreground[:, :, :3]  # Grab the BRG planes 
    overlay_mask = foreground[:, :, 3:]  # And the alpha plane

    # Again calculate the inverse mask
    background_mask = 255 - overlay_mask

    # Turn the masks into three channel, so we can use them as weights
    overlay_mask = cv2.cvtColor(overlay_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    background_mask = cv2.cvtColor(background_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    # Create a masked out background image, and masked out overlay
    # We convert the images to floating point in range 0.0 - 1.0
    background_part = (background * (1 / 255.0)) * (background_mask * (1 / 255.0))
    overlay_part = (overlay_img * (1 / 255.0)) * (overlay_mask * (1 / 255.0))

    # And finally just add them together, and rescale it back to an 8bit integer image
    return np.uint8(
        cv2.addWeighted(background_part, 255.0, overlay_part, 255.0, 0.0)

for image in right_images:
    warped_image = cv2.warpPerspective(image, ...)
    mask = np.zeros(
        (warped_image.shape[0], warped_image.shape[1], 4), 
    mask[0 : previously_stitched.shape[0], 0 : previously_stitched.shape[1]] = previously_stitched
    mask_rgb = mask[:, :, :3]  # Grab the BRG planes
    previously_stitched = blend_transparent(mask_rgb, warped_image)




标签: pythonopencvimage-stitching


当您的图像具有透明度时,Alpha 通道很有用,但在这里您可以通过转换手动添加 Alpha 通道。该通道可用于存储计算,但我认为您会失去性能。我建议为 blend_transparent 使用以下函数:

def blend_transparent(self, background, foreground):
    # Split out the transparency mask from the colour info
    overlay_img = foreground[:, :, :3]  # Grab the BRG planes

    res = background

    only_right = np.nonzero((np.sum(overlay_img, 2) != 0) * (np.sum(background,2) == 0))
    left_and_right = np.nonzero((np.sum(overlay_img, 2) != 0) * (np.sum(background,2) != 0))

    res[only_right] = overlay_img[only_right]
    res[left_and_right] = res[left_and_right]*0.5 + overlay_img[left_and_right]*0.5
    return res

如果当前未设置任何值,则在此处设置结果中右图像像素的值。如果已经设置了一个值,则计算左右值的平均值。计算时间除以 1.6 倍。

由于您的投影已冻结,因此不需要每次都计算索引 only_right 和 left_and_right,我们可以计算一次并存储它们。这样做,您应该将计算时间除以 4。
