首页 > 解决方案 > Changing properties of objects


I'm making my own up and facing right now the problem: I found a guide on apple developer web site, but it's out of date and the code they show doesn't work nowadays, I would like to know how is it done right now

I've tried code of apple

//Example from their site. In my case the same but with UILabel
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:myNavBarBackgroundColor];

I expected to change globally text color, but could not

标签: swiftxcode


Since you've tagged this question as Swift I suppose you're looking for Swift code. So, code which you've posted is in Objective-C so wherever you find this piece of code in Apple docs, on the top of the page you can find button for switching language to Swift

enter image description here

So, if you're looking for way, how to change barTintColor of UINavigationBar through the appearance, use this

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = yourColor
