首页 > 解决方案 > 如何通过增加输入数字来动态更改价格


我创建了我的个人项目,我将此系统称为订购系统,为此我使用了 laravel 以及前端 javascript 和 jquery。



  1. 我使用 jquery 的 append 函数将值传输到另一端。所以我附加输入类型号,其值自动等于1





        var tbody = $('#myTable').children('tbody');

        //Then if no tbody just select your table 
        var table = tbody.length ? tbody : $('#myTable');

        //my logic to increment quantity but not working.

        $("#qty_change").bind('keyup mouseup', function () {

        //function for getting the data from search product by clicking to the table row

        $("tr#productClicked").click(function () {

            //to get the price in tr
            var price = $(this).closest("tr").find(".menu_price").text();

            //to get the menu in tr
            var menu_name = $(this).closest("tr").find(".menu_name").text();

            //row count
            var rowCount = $('table#myTable tr:last').index() + 1;

            //append input to quantity the value is 1
            var input = '<input type="number" name="qty_number" class="form-control" value="1" id="qty_change" />';

            //Item must be editable
            var contenteditable = 'contenteditable=true';

            table.append('<tr><td>'+rowCount+'</td><td class="total">'+input+'</td><td '+contenteditable+'>'+menu_name+'</td><td>'+price+'</td><td>'+price+'</td></tr>');



 <table class="table table-hover" id="myTable">
<tr style="font-size: 14px; ">
    <th scope="col">#</th>
    <th scope="col">Qty</th>
    <th scope="col">Item</th>
    <th scope="col" style="text-align: right">Cost</th>
    <th scope="col" style="text-align: right">Total</th>
<tbody style="font-size:14px;">                 
    {{-- <td>1</td>
    <td>x 2</td>
    <td contenteditable='true'>Feast Chicken</td>
    <td align="right">$10.00</td>
    <td align="right">$20.00</td> --}}



$('.amount > input[type="number"]').on('input', updateTotal);

        function updateTotal(e){
          var value = e.target.value;

          // Don't do anything if value is not valid
          // else you will see NaN in result.
          if (!value || value < 0)

          var $parentRow = $(e.target).parent().parent();
          var $siblingTotal = $parentRow.find('.total');
          var $siblingCost = $parentRow.find('.cost');

          var cost = $siblingCost.text();

          // parseInt and parseFloat because
          // `value` and `cost` are strings.
          value = parseInt(value);
          cost = parseFloat(cost);

          $siblingTotal.text(value * cost);

$("tr#productClicked").click(function () {

              title: "Are you sure?",
              text: "Once you will add it will automatically send to the cart",
              icon: "warning",
              buttons: true,
              dangerMode: true,
            .then((willDelete) => {
              if (willDelete) {

                    swal("Poof! Your imaginary file has been deleted!", {
                      icon: "success",

                    swal("Menu Added", "You clicked the button!", "success");

                    //to get the price in tr
                    var price = $(this).closest("tr").find(".menu_price").text();

                    //to get the menu in tr
                    var menu_name = $(this).closest("tr").find(".menu_name").text();

                    //row count
                    var rowCount = $('table#myTable tr:last').index() + 1;

                    //append input to quantity the value is 1
                    var input = '<input type="number" value="1">';

                    //Item must be editable
                    var contenteditable = 'contenteditable=true';

                    table.append('<tr><td>'+rowCount+'</td><td class="amount">'+input+'</td><td '+contenteditable+'>'+menu_name+'</td><td class="cost">'+price+'</td><td class="total">'+price+'</td></tr>');

              } else {


标签: javascriptjqueryhtml


使用 jQuery监听“输入”事件.on

(请注意,“输入”事件与 jQuery 无关,它是原生 JavaScript 的东西。)



$('.amount > input[type="number"]').on('input', updateTotal);

function updateTotal(e){
  var amount = parseInt(e.target.value);
  if (!amount || amount < 0)
  var $parentRow = $(e.target).parent().parent();
  var cost = parseFloat($parentRow.find('.cost').text());
  var total = (cost * amount).toFixed(2);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

      <th>Cost per item</th>
      <td class="amount"><input type="number" value="1"></td>
      <td class="cost">27</td>
      <td class="total">27</td>
      <td class="amount"><input type="number" value="1"></td>
      <td class="cost">14.50</td>
      <td class="total">14.50</td>


// Get all inputs with type="number"
// that is a child of <td class="amount">.
var $amountInput = $('td.amount > input[type="number"]');

// Attach "input" event listener to the input fields
// so that we know when the value changes and handle the changes.
// In this case, the event handler is the function "updateTotal".
$amountInput.on('input', updateTotal);

function updateTotal(e){
  // Get the `input` element that triggers this event.
  var $thisInput = $(e.target);

  // Get the value of $thisInput
  var amount = $thisInput.val();
  // The `value` is a string,
  // so we need `parseInt` to make it a number.
  // Use `parseInt` because quantity can't have decimals.
  amount = parseInt(amount);

  // Don't do anything if value is not valid
  // else you will see NaN in result.
  if (!amount || amount < 0)

  // Get the parent <tr> of this input field
  var $parentRow = $thisInput.parent().parent();
  // Find the <td class="total"> element
  var $siblingTotal = $parentRow.find('.total');
  // Find the <td class="cost"> element
  var $siblingCost = $parentRow.find('.cost');

  // Get the cost from <td class="cost"> element
  var cost = $siblingCost.text();

  // The "cost" is a string,
  // so we need `parseFloat` to make it a number.
  // Use `parseFloat` because cost can have decimals.
  cost = parseFloat(cost);

  // Calculate the total cost
  var total = amount * cost;
  // .toFixed(2) to force 2 decimal places
  total = total.toFixed(2);
  // Update the total cost into <td class="total"> element
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

      <th>Cost per item</th>
      <td class="amount"><input type="number" value="1"></td>
      <td class="cost">27</td>
      <td class="total">27</td>
      <td class="amount"><input type="number" value="1"></td>
      <td class="cost">14.50</td>
      <td class="total">14.50</td>



  1. 为什么前缀“$”符号只在一些变量名中?(通常称为匈牙利符号
  2. 是什么td.amount > input[type="number"]
  3. 什么是jQuery 的.on()
  4. 是什么e.target
  5. 什么是jQuery 的.val()
  6. 是什么parseInt()
  7. 是什么parseFloat()
  8. 是什么!value意思?
  9. 为什么你return什么都没有
  10. 什么是jQuery 的.parent()
  11. 什么是jQuery 的.find()
  12. 什么是jQuery 的.text()
  13. 是什么.toFixed()
