首页 > 解决方案 > JBoss suddenly throwing errors


I am using Intellij and everything was working fine in. All I did was add in a new Java class file to my project and suddenly my JBoss is throwing errors. Deleting that class file makes no difference (I would be surprised if it did).

The error is as follow:

Error Running JBoss Server
Exception occurred: IllegalArgumentException.
Message: port our of range: 21747... (Integer max number)

I did not make any changes to my standalone.xml file. Checked it for any malform just in case and the xml file is valid.

I'm very confused as to what Intellij did to cause this error. If anyone faced a similar issue please advice.

Past similar issues mentioned here pretty much suggests malformed standalone file and thats not the case here.

Please refer to following image. Is that normal? I don't recall if this server settings under 'Edit Configurations' used to be empty or filled (username, password, port). If it is supposed to be filled, I don't get how it magically disappeared. I don't even recall those credentials.

enter image description here

标签: javaintellij-ideajboss



我的standalone.xml 文件没有变化,因此从我所看到的来看,问题不存在。

