首页 > 解决方案 > Java如何仅更改字段分隔符而不更改实际数据


我有一个输入 CSV,其中的数据用双引号括起来,字段分隔符是逗号 (,) 如下所示是 3 列和 1 行:

"101","this is a test message - "","" how are you, where are you from","2018-01-13","15.0"
"102","this is line break msg , "2019-01-01","13.0"
 where data goes to next line"

我只想将字段分隔符从逗号 (,) 更改为插入符号 (^) 所以在从 Input CSV 读取行时我写了 line.replace("\",\"", "\"^\""); 得到低于实际结果

"101"^"this is a test message - ""^"" how are you, where are you from"^"2018-01-13"^"15.0"
"102"^"this is line break msg ^ "2019-01-01"^"13.0"
 where data goes to next line"


"101"^"this is a test message - "","" how are you, where are you from"^"2018-01-13"^"15.0"
"102"^"this is line break msg ^ "2019-01-01"^"13.0"
 where data goes to next line"

据我所知,这可以使用 Java 正则表达式来处理,但不幸的是,我不太擅长使用正则表达式,因此非常感谢任何帮助。


         Regex1  : replaceAll("\",\"(?!\"\")", "\"^\"");

     "Id","Description","LastModifiedDate","Quantity"  -- header
     "101","hello-this,is test data"",""testing","2018-10-01","\"  -- input row1
    "101"^"hello-this,is test data""^""testing"^"2018-10-01"^"\"  -- post Regex1
     "101"^"hello-this,is test data"",""testing"^"2018-10-01"^"\"  -- expected

 In first row if data contains "","" it still gets replaced to ""^""

       "Id","Description","LastModifiedDate","Quantity"  -- header 
       "102","""text in double quotes""","13.2" -- input row2
       "102","""text in double quotes"""^"13.2"  -- post with only Regex1
        "102"^""text in double quotes""^"13.2"  --  expected result

 So I tried one more regex after regex1 for second row scenario
Regex 2:  replaceAll(",\"\"\"(?!\"\")", "^\"\""); 

      regex2 along with regex1 partially worked but still, the row1 issue is not getting resolved.

所有这些场景都可以在 1 个 replaceAll 中处理吗,或者多个 replaceAll 也可以

标签: javaregexcsv



    text = text.replaceAll("\",\"(?!\")", "\"^\"");

\",\"(?!\") 这部分表示如果 "\"" 后面没有 "\"",则后面将匹配 "\""。
