首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 mixin 更新全局 sass 变量



1)我有一个全局变量$global_var_bg在组件的 scss 文件中定义为蓝色。

2) 我在组件的 scss 文件中有一个mixin 函数,它接受 $theme 参数,该参数在应用程序的全局主题更改时传递。

3)mixin 函数中,我更改了全局变量$global_var_bg

4) 然后访问scss中的全局变量$global_var_bg

5) 最后我分配给component.html 中的一个div元素,期望$global_var_bg是mixin 函数中修改后的background_color 。

6) 但是,它仍然是$global_var_bg


注意:我不想在 mixin 函数中移动类。

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

$global_var_bg: blue; //define a global variable

@mixin dashboard-component-theme($theme) {

  $background: map-get($theme, background);

  //modify the global variable inside the mixin function

  $global_var_bg: mat-color($background, background) !global;

//access the global variable inside a class
.some-class {
  background-color: $global_var_bg;
<!-- set the background color of the div -->
<!-- which I expect to be the theme's backround color -->
<!-- but still blue-->

<div class="some-class"> random text </div>

标签: sassangular-material2mixins


在处理不基于 CSS 变量的主题时,您可以这样做:


//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
//  _theme.colors.scss
//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- 
//  default theme 
$theme: light !default;

//  theme colors 
$theme-colors: (
    light: (
       text: black,
       back: white
    dark: (
       text: white,
       back: black

// color function returning the color value 
// based on color name and theme
@function color($name, $theme: $theme){
    @return map-get(map-get($theme-colors, $theme), $name);

//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
//  _my.component.scss
//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-   
@import '_theme.colors.scss';

.class {
    color: color(text);       // black (using the default light theme)
    background: color(back);  // white (using the default light theme) 

.class {
    color: color(text, dark);       // white (using the passed dark theme)
    background: color(back, dark);  // black (using the passed dark theme) 

//  switching global theme will take effect in all 
//  classes after the point of change 
$theme: dark;

.class {
    color: color(text);       // white (using the now default dark theme)
    background: color(back);  // black (using the now default dark theme) 


//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
//  _theme.colors.scss
//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- 
//  default theme 
$theme: light !default;

 @mixin theme($theme: $theme){

    @if $theme == light {
        $color-text: silver !global;
        $color-back: white !global;
    @if $theme == dark {
        $color-text: black !global;
        $color-back: white !global;

    //  passed content (classes)

//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
//  _my.component.scss
//  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-    
@import '_theme.colors.scss';

@include theme {
    .class {
        color: $color-text;       // black (using the default light theme)
        background: $color-back;  // white (using the default light theme) 

@include theme(dark) {
    .class {
        color: $color-text;       // white (using the passed dark theme)
        background: $color-back;  // black (using the passed dark theme) 

//  switching global theme will take effect in all 
//  classes after the point of change 
$theme: dark;

@include theme {
    .class {
        color: $color-text;       // white (using the now default dark theme)
        background: $color-back;  // black (using the now default dark theme) 


在全局级别更改主题可能会导致无法预料的问题(例如更改导入顺序时) - 为什么您可以通过在函数和 mixin 中定义默认值来选择不公开它

@function color($name, $theme: light){ ... }
@mixin theme($theme: $theme: light){ ...}
