首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Active Directory 中按真实姓名查找用户


此脚本用于在 AD 用户丢失密码并需要创建新密码时重置密码。但是假设我们不知道用户名只知道他们的真实姓名,所以我们想搜索用户名并将其插入到$Username.

function Reset_Password_Account () {
    $Username = Read-Host "Enter your username" 
    Write-Host "Changing Password for account" $Username

    $Newpassword = Read-Host "Enter Temporary Password" -AsSecureString
    Write-Host "Running Script..."

    Set-ADAccountPassword $Username -NewPassword $Newpassword
    Write-Host "Temporary password set"

    Set-ADUser $Username -ChangePasswordAtLogon $True
    Write-Host "You can now change password on login"

    # Stop powershell from exiting after script is run
    Read-Host "Press enter to exit"

$Readhost = Read-Host "To run script: Enter y 
To decline script: Enter n and exit PowerShell 
Press Enter to accept your input. ( y / n )" 
switch ($ReadHost) {
    Y {Reset_Password_Account}
    N {exit}

标签: powershellactive-directory


我建议使用Ambiguous Name Resolution,它会搜索一个范围,如果 AD 属性(链接中的列表)并找到任何匹配项。

下面的示例查询将返回Jimmy SmithJim Smith-Williams

Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(anr=Jim Smith)"

它将搜索任何命名属性以字符串开头的"jim smith*"所有对象,以及所有对象 where(givenName=jim*)(sn=smith*),以及对象 where(givenName=smith*)(sn=jim*)
