首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 arduino 将我的 ESP8266 连接到我的 Flutter 应用程序。在这里完成初学者


我想通过 wifi 将一些数据从我的 Arduino-uno 发送到我的颤振应用程序。我正在使用 ESP8266 wifi 模块。我试图找到一些在线图书馆,我找到了wifi|Flutterconnectivity|Flutter。但是我无法让它运行。

我已经安装了这些包,并将它们添加到 pubspec.yaml 文件中。

    sdk: flutter
  wifi: ^0.1.4
  connectivity: ^0.3.2


import 'dart:async';
import 'package:connectivity/connectivity.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:wifi/wifi.dart';

void main()=>runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  String ssid = await Wifi.ssid;

//Signal strength, 1-3,The bigger the number, the stronger the signal
  int level = await Wifi.level;

  String ip = await Wifi.ip;

  var result = await Wifi.connection('ssid', 'password');
  List<WifiResult> list = await Wifi.list('key');
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Text('$level $list'),


error: A value of type 'Future<String>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'. (invalid_assignment at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:7)
error: Unexpected text 'await'. (unexpected_token at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:7)
error: Unexpected text 'await'. (unexpected_token at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:10)
error: A value of type 'Future<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'. (invalid_assignment at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:10)
error: A value of type 'Future<String>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'. (invalid_assignment at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:12)
error: Unexpected text 'await'. (unexpected_token at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:12)
error: Unexpected text 'await'. (unexpected_token at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:14)
error: A value of type 'Future<List<WifiResult>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'List<WifiResult>'. (invalid_assignment at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:15)
error: Unexpected text 'await'. (unexpected_token at [all_tests_here1] lib\main.dart:15)

我想使用 wifi 将所有传感器数据(2 个传感器)发送到 firebase,然后将其发送到颤振应用程序。我和我的团队完全是初学者,所以请原谅任何愚蠢的错误,

标签: arduinoflutteresp8266


检查错误,它是由在 String 变量上分配预期的 Future 类型引起的。声明的其他变量也会引发类似的错误。您可以将 var 设置为dynamic或设置预期的类型。

Future<String> getWifiSSID() async => await Wifi.ssid;
Future<int> getWifiSignalLevel() async => await Wifi.level;
Future<String> getWifiIp() async => await Wifi.ip;
Future<WifiState> getWifiAccess(String wifiSSID, String wifiPass) async =>
  await Wifi.connection(wifiSSID, wifiPass);

Future<List<WifiResult>> getWifiList() async => await Wifi.list('key');


// Connect to wifi
getWifiAccess(SSID, pass)
  .then((wifiAccess) => debugPrint('wifiAccess: $wifiAccess'))
  .catchError((onError) => debugPrint('wifiAccess error: $onError'));

// fetch network SSID of current wifi connection
  .then((wifiSSID) => debugPrint('wifiSSID: $wifiSSID'))
  .catchError((onError) => debugPrint('wifiSSID error: $onError'));

// fetch network signal level of current wifi connection
  .then((wifiSignalLevel) => debugPrint('wifiSignalLevel: $wifiSignalLevel'))
  .catchError((onError) => debugPrint('wifiSignalLevel error: $onError'));

// fetch network IP address
  .then((wifiIpAddress) => debugPrint('wifiIpAddress: $wifiIpAddress'))
  .catchError((onError) => debugPrint('wifiIpAddress error: $onError'));

// fetch list of access points (only works on Android)
getWifiList().then((wifiList) {
  wifiList.forEach((wifi) {
    debugPrint('wifiList: ${wifi.ssid} signal: ${wifi.level}');
}).catchError((onError) => debugPrint('wifiList error: $onError'));

