首页 > 解决方案 > PHP ImageMagick - 如何使用自动选择的字体大小功能在行和块内居中


PHP 5.4。欢迎大家,我应用了一个基于源的解决方案,其中设置了一个文本块,并且根据文本下载 zip 的长度自动选择文本的大小 现在有必要文本在指定的框和行内居中,在屏幕截图中清楚地显示,并且还可以正确旋转文本



 function autofit_text_to_image( $canvas_image_filename = false, $dest_filename = 'output.jpg', $text = '', $starting_font_size = 60, $max_width = 500, $max_height = 500, $x_pos = 0, $y_pos = 0, $font_file = false,$font_color = 'black',$rotate = 0, $line_height_ratio = 1, $dest_format = 'jpg' ) {

// Bail if any essential parameters are missing
if ( ! $canvas_image_filename || ! $dest_filename || empty($text) || ! $font_file || empty($font_color) || empty($max_width) || empty($max_height) ) return false;

// Do we have a valid canvas image?
if ( ! file_exists($canvas_image_filename) ) return;

$canvas_handle = fopen( $canvas_image_filename, 'rb' );

// Load image into Imagick
$NewImage = new Imagick();

// Instantiate Imagick utility objects
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$pixel = new ImagickPixel( $font_color );

// Load Font 
$font_size = $starting_font_size;
// Holds calculated height of lines with given font, font size
$total_height = 0;

// Run until we find a font size that doesn't exceed $max_height in pixels
while (( 0 == $total_height || $total_height > $max_height )) {

    if ( $total_height > 0 ) $font_size--; // we're still over height, decrement font size and try again


    // Calculate number of lines / line height
    // Props users Sarke / BMiner: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5746537/how-can-i-wrap-text-using-imagick-in-php-so-that-it-is-drawn-as-multiline-text

    //$words = preg_split('%\s%', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $words =preg_split( '%\s%', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );

    $lines = array();
    $i = 0;
    $line_height = 0;

    while ( count($words) > 0 ) { 

        $metrics = $NewImage->queryFontMetrics( $draw, implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, ++$i)));
        $line_height = max( $metrics['textHeight'], $line_height );

    if ( $metrics['textWidth'] > $max_width || count($words) < $i ) {
// this indicates long words and forces the font to decrease in the first loop
if($i == 1){
    $total_height = $max_height + 1;
    continue 2;
$lines[] = implode( ' ', array_slice($words, 0, --$i) );
$words = array_slice( $words, $i );
$i = 0;


    $total_height = count($lines) * $line_height * $line_height_ratio;

    if ( $total_height === 0 ) return false; // don't run endlessly if something goes wrong

// Writes text to image
for( $i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++ ) {
    $NewImage->annotateImage( $draw, $x_pos, $y_pos + ($i * $line_height * $line_height_ratio), $rotate, $lines[$i] );  

$result = $NewImage->writeImage($dest_filename);

return $result;

//The file on which we impose the image
$canvas_image_filename = 'test.jpeg';

$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed deleniti intellegebat cu, et ius molestiae abhorreant reprehendunt. Ex eius mollis adipiscing vix, audire theophrastus has et, malorum numquam sea et. 
Ut vel vidit falli, in error inermis argumentum per, et doctus necessitatibus vel. 
Ut has tota gloriatur, eum ad tale voluptua deserunt. Mel iriure deleniti forensibus at.';

// We load the font
$text ="Little text";
$font_file = 'Oswald-Regular.ttf';
$font_color = 'black';

// Directory from the root
$gimg=str_replace(".", "",microtime(TRUE)); 
if (!file_exists($dirfile.'test/')) {
if (!mkdir($dirfile.'test/', 0755, true)) {  die('Eror');}
$result=autofit_text_to_image($canvas_image_filename, $file_save, $text, 60, 399, 290, 350, 128, $font_file,$font_color,0);

标签: phpimagemagick

