首页 > 解决方案 > Is this a correct database design? (pk fk set and references)


So parents can have many clubs and children. Each clubs can have many teams that have children in them. Children can join multiple teams.

I am confused with all these many relationships and I created a schema using a tool here: https://dbdiagram.io/d/5c455e3807ce540014df3eb2

Did I properly set keys and referenced them here?

标签: database-designforeign-keysrelational-databaseprimary-key


你的关系表设计看起来不错。作为替代方案,您可以考虑对父级和子级使用分层表。但是,这是设计考虑,完全取决于你(遵循 YAGNI(你不会弄坏它)原则)

Table person {
  id int PK
  name varchar
  parent_id int

Table club {
  id int PK
  person_id int
  class_id int
  name varchar

Table team {
  id int PK
  club_id int
  children_id int
  num_of_children int
  name varchar

Ref: person.id < club.person_id
Ref: club.id < team.club_id
Ref: team.children_id < person.id
Ref: person.parent_id > person.id
