首页 > 解决方案 > 之前工作的 Scrape 现在失败了,Data-frame 显示 NAN 为什么会发生这种情况?





import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from nsepy import get_history

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime

    Base_url =("https://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/"+

    page = requests.get(Base_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')

    #Added this code for checking the underlying value
    table_1 =soup.find_all(style="float:right; font-size:1.2em;")
    for table in table_1:
        underlysingscript = table.select('span')

    table_it = soup.find_all(class_="opttbldata")
    table_cls_1 = soup.find_all(id="octable")

    col_list = []

    # The code given below will pull the headers of the Option Chain table
    for mytable in table_cls_1:
        table_head = mytable.find('thead')

            rows = table_head.find_all('tr')
            for tr in rows: 
                cols = tr.find_all('th')
                for th in cols:
                    er = th.text
                    ee = er.encode('utf8')   
                    ee = str(ee, 'utf-8')

            print ("no thead")

    col_list_fnl = [e for e in col_list if e not in ('CALLS','PUTS','Chart','\xc2\xa0','\xa0')]

    table_cls_2 = soup.find(id="octable")
    all_trs = table_cls_2.find_all('tr')
    req_row = table_cls_2.find_all('tr')

    new_table = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0,len(req_row)-3) , columns=col_list_fnl)

在这一行中,数据变为 NAN。为什么和什么问题?可以更好地编写此代码以避免此问题吗?

标签: python-3.xpandasweb-scrapinghtml-table


您正在创建一个空数据框。创建数据框时,您可以通过index=指定行数,通过 指定列数columns=,但绝不会将任何值/数据放入其中。因此,行和列的数据框,以及每个单元格中带有 NAN 的值。

我还要说你工作太努力了才能得到那张桌子。Pandas 可以为您完成这项工作。然后只需要操作数据框以适应您想要的:

import pandas as pd
import requests

Base_url =("https://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/"+

headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36"}

response = requests.get(Base_url, headers = headers)

tables = pd.read_html(response.text)

df = tables[1][2:].reset_index(drop=True)
df.columns = tables[1].iloc[1]
df = df.drop('Chart', axis=1)


print (df)
1         OI Chng in OI Volume     IV   ...        IV Volume Chng in OI       OI
0          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
1          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
2          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
3          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
4          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
5          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
6          -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
7       4800          -      -      -   ...     43.15     93      57600   141600
8          -          -      -      -   ...     37.31     20      26400    48000
9       2400          -      1  62.34   ...     33.31    996     770400  3427200
10      4800          -      1  35.32   ...     30.48    705     621600  1003200
11     88800      31200     47  32.52   ...     28.13   4476    1572000  2510400
12    184800     117600    116  30.78   ...     25.50   3284     873600  1545600
13   3165600    2085600   2481  29.05   ...     24.67   7621     979200  2769600
14   3184800    2265600   3308  29.73   ...     24.77   4472     424800  1497600
15   7579200    5167200  10875  32.14   ...     25.98   4858    1142400  2409600
16   5640000    3117600   9499  35.38   ...     33.36   1029      96000   302400
17  10680000    4572000  16342  38.06   ...     46.34    128      -4800   182400
18   2848800    1161600   3523  41.92   ...     47.42      4      -2400    24000
19   6751200    2724000   5638  44.97   ...         -      1          -    45600
20    405600     -26400    562  48.56   ...         -      -          -     2400
21   1077600     319200   1113  47.61   ...         -     21      -2400   249600
22     21600       4800     17  54.15   ...         -      -          -     4800
23    252000     170400    196  55.95   ...         -      2      -4800    57600
24         -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
25         -          -      1  60.47   ...         -      -          -     7200
26         -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
27      4800          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -    40800
28         -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
29         -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
30         -          -      -      -   ...         -      -          -        -
31         -          -      -      -   ...         -      7     -14400     4800
32  41896800        NaN  53720    NaN   ...       NaN    NaN        NaN      NaN

[33 rows x 21 columns]

BeautifulSoup 选项:


import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#from nsepy import get_history

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime

Base_url =("https://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/"+

page = requests.get(Base_url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')

#Added this code for checking the underlying value
table_1 =soup.find_all(style="float:right; font-size:1.2em;")
for table in table_1:
    underlysingscript = table.select('span')

table_it = soup.find_all(class_="opttbldata")
table_cls_1 = soup.find_all(id="octable")

col_list = []

# The code given below will pull the headers of the Option Chain table
for mytable in table_cls_1:
    table_head = mytable.find('thead')

        rows = table_head.find_all('tr')
        for tr in rows: 
            cols = tr.find_all('th')
            for th in cols:
                er = th.text
                ee = er.encode('utf8')   
                ee = str(ee, 'utf-8')

        print ("no thead")

col_list_fnl = [e for e in col_list if e not in ('CALLS','PUTS','\xc2\xa0','\xa0')]

table_cls_2 = soup.find(id="octable")
req_row = table_cls_2.find_all('tr')

new_table = pd.DataFrame()

for row in req_row:
    td = row.find_all('td')
    data = [ ele.text for ele in td ]

    temp_df = pd.DataFrame([data])
    new_table = new_table.append(temp_df)

new_table.columns = col_list_fnl


print (new_table)
   Chart           OI  Chng in OI  ...   Chng in OI          OI Chart
0    NaN          NaN         NaN  ...          NaN         NaN   NaN
0    NaN          NaN         NaN  ...          NaN         NaN   NaN
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...        2,400       2,400      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0               4,800           -  ...      110,400     194,400      
0                   -           -  ...       40,800      62,400      
0               4,800       2,400  ...      165,600   2,822,400      
0               4,800           -  ...      576,000     957,600      
0              86,400      28,800  ...    1,276,800   2,215,200      
0             220,800     153,600  ...      664,800   1,336,800      
0           3,151,200   2,071,200  ...      708,000   2,498,400      
0           3,204,000   2,284,800  ...      314,400   1,387,200      
0           7,231,200   4,819,200  ...      770,400   2,037,600      
0           5,469,600   2,947,200  ...       81,600     288,000      
0          10,612,800   4,504,800  ...       -2,400     184,800      
0           2,632,800     945,600  ...       -4,800      21,600      
0           6,523,200   2,496,000  ...            -      45,600      
0             391,200     -40,800  ...            -       2,400      
0           1,072,800     314,400  ...       -2,400     249,600      
0              21,600       4,800  ...            -       4,800      
0             249,600     168,000  ...       -4,800      57,600      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0               2,400       2,400  ...            -       7,200      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0               4,800           -  ...            -      40,800      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...            -           -      
0                   -           -  ...      -14,400       4,800      
0  Total   40,888,800              ...          NaN         NaN   NaN

[35 rows x 23 columns]
