首页 > 解决方案 > 检查列表元素接近什么值的最佳方法是什么?


我正在研究一种在 Python 中计算函数限制的方法,但某些函数给出的输出不正确。我的主要目标是计算导数,但为此,我必须计算函数的极限。


这种方法显然是反数学的,但我想不出更好的解决方案。我尝试应用集中化措施,但我认为它不适用于周期性连分数,例如 2/7。


# this function resolves a numerical expression
# using eval function from Python

def Solve(Str):
    if '^' in Str:
        Str = Str.replace('^', '**')
    return eval(Str)

# this function solves a mathematical function by substituting x
# for a value passed by parameter and returning its result

def SolveF(f, x, var = 'x'):
    f = f.replace(' ', '')

    # inserts a multiplication sign between numbers
    # example: 5x --> 5*x

    f = list(f)
    i = 0
    while i < len(f)-1:
        L = f[i:i+2]
        if L[0] in '0123456789' and L[1] == var:
            f.insert(i+1, '*')
        i += 1
    f = ''.join(f)

    f = f.replace(var, '(' + var + ')')
    f = f.replace(var, str(x))

    return Solve(f)

# this function returns f(x) for a value very close
# to the value at which x tends. for example, if x
# tends to 5, it returns f(5.0000000000001). the tiny
# amount that is added to x is 10^(-13) (arbitrary value)

def Lim(f, x, c = 13):
    return SolveF(f, x + (10**(-c)))

# this function returns several f(x) in a list to values
# very close to the value at which x tends. for example,
# if x tends to 0, it will add the list f(0.001), f(0.000001),
# f(0.0000001), ..., f(0.0000000001). then returns the value
# that most repeats in that list, which is supposed to be the
# value whose function is approaching.

def LimM(f, x):
    i = 0
    L = []
    for i in range(5, 20):
            L.append("{:.10f}".format(Lim(f, x, i)))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            i += 1

    List2 = [L.count(i) for i in set(L)]
    if List2 == [1]*len(List2):
        return 'inf'
        return list(set(L))[List2.index(max(List2))]

from fractions import Fraction
while True:
    F = input('Function: ')
    X = float(input('x --> '))
    Res = LimM(F, X)
    if Res != 'inf':

示例 1:函数(x^2 - 4)/(x - 2)正在逼近x = 2.

LimM 函数生成的列表等于['4.0000100000', '4.0000010001', '4.0000000977', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000', '4.0000000000']

请注意,列表中重复次数最多的值是'4.0000000000',因此限制等于 4。

示例 2:函数((x + 1)/(x - 1)正在逼近x = 2.

LimM 函数生成的列表等于['2.9999800002', '2.9999980000', '2.9999998000', '2.9999999800', '2.9999999980', '2.9999999998', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000']

请注意,列表中重复次数最多的值是'3.0000000000',因此限制等于 3。

我测试了 28 个不同的限制(你可以在这里查看问题),只有 6 个是不正确的。其中有:

Function: (1/(1-x)) - (3/(1-x^3))
x --> 1

    Right answer: -1
    Code output: 0

生成的列表:['-0.9999930434', '-1.0000138859', '-0.9992006216', '-0.7401486933', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000']

Function: (3x^4 - 4x^3 + 1)/(x - 1)^2
x --> 1

    Right answer: 6
    Code output: 0

生成的列表:['6.0000848733', '6.0000893153', '5.9952043260', '8.8817843050', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000']

Function: (x^2 + 7x - 44)/(x^2 - 6x + 8)
x --> 4

    Right answer: 15/2
    Code output: 4222/563

生成的列表:['7.4999675007', '7.4999967484', '7.4999995648', '7.4999992895', '7.4999982236', '7.4999911182', '7.4991119005', '7.4991119005', '7.5714285714', '6.6666666667']

Function: (1/(x^2 - 1)) - (2/(x^4 - 1))
x --> 1

    Right answer: 1/2
    Code output: 0

生成的列表:['0.4999950374', '0.4999879392', '0.4996002605', '0.8326672688', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000']

Function: ((1 + 2x)^(0.5) - 1)/(3x)
x --> 0

    Right answer: 1/3
    Code output: 0

生成的列表:['0.3333316667', '0.3333331667', '0.3333333165', '0.3333333313', '0.3333332869', '0.3333333609', '0.3333333609', '0.3332889520', '0.3330669074', '0.3330669074', '0.2960594732', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000']


标签: pythonmathstatisticscalculus




