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I have a MySql table in which the primary key is an auto-increment column and then I also have a binary(16) column with a unique index for storing UUIDs.

The MySqlConnector has a connection option for GuidFormat in which, I'm confused between TimeSwapBinary16 and LittleEndianBinary16 in terms of which one of these would be a better choice and why.

Does the arrangement of UUID bytes in a certain order provide benefit when it comes to efficiency and performance such as during insertions, indexing, selecting with the binary(16) column in a WHERE clause etc?

Can someone please explain these?

标签: mysqlmysql-connector



虽然 MySQL 的默认 UUID 格式包括从时间戳生成的字节,但它们不在 UUID 中的字节位置,这使其符合“按升序插入”目标。在 MySQL 8.0 中,他们引入了一个函数,该函数UUID_TO_BIN()具有重新排列字节的选项,以便在生成 UUID 值时,它们按时间戳排序。


如果您有兴趣,请在这篇博文中以详细的基准显示无序和有序 UUID 之间的性能差异:https ://www.percona.com/blog/2014/12/19/store-uuid-optimized-方法/
