首页 > 解决方案 > 对象集的排序不正确




std::set <Person> greatUncles; 


greatUncles.insert(Person("bla", "bla", "1900"));


class Person {

  Person(std::string s, std::string f, std::string y)
    :surname(s), familyname(f), yearOfBirth(y)


  std::string getSurname() const {
    return surname;

  std::string getFamilyname() const {
    return familyname;

  std::string getYearOfBirth() const {
    return yearOfBirth;

  std::string surname;
  std::string familyname;
  std::string yearOfBirth;

//to print the set, overload the '<<' operator
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Person &person) {
  o << person.getSurname() << " "
    << person.getFamilyname() << " "
    << person.getYearOfBirth() << std::endl;
  return o;

//to order the set, overload the '<' operator
bool operator< (Person const &p1, Person const &p2) {
  int compareYearOfBirth = p1.getYearOfBirth().compare(p2.getYearOfBirth());

  if (compareYearOfBirth == 0) {
    int compareFamilyname = p1.getFamilyname().compare(p2.getFamilyname());
    if (compareFamilyname == 0) {
      return p1.getSurname().compare(p2.getSurname());
    } else
      return compareFamilyname;
  } else
    return compareYearOfBirth;


void printGreatUncles(std::set <Person> &greatUncles) {
    std::ofstream outputFile;

    if (outputFile.is_open()) {
      for(Person const & person:greatUncles) {
        outputFile << person;


Sebastian Furtweger 1942
Nikolaus Furtweger 1951
Archibald Furtweger 1967


Archibald Furtweger 1967
Sebastian Furtweger 1942
Nikolaus Furtweger 1951
Archibald Furtweger 1967


标签: c++c++11objectsetoverloading


std::set requires the comparator provides a strict weak ordering. Part of that is if a < b == true then b < a == false but you don't have this. Lets imagine the birth year and the family names are the same, and only the surnames are different. In you example you would return some positive or negative number which is converted to true since only 0 is false. If you run the check backwards then you get the opposite value in the integer, but it still results in true.

To fix this C++11 offers std::tie that you can use to build a std::tuple of the members and its operator < is built to do the right thing. That makes you code look like

bool operator< (Person const &p1, Person const &p2) {
  return std::tie(p1.getYearOfBirth(), p1.getFamilyname(), p1.getSurname()) < 
         std::tie(p2.getYearOfBirth(), p2.getFamilyname(), p2.getSurname());

If you ever want to do this going forward and can use C++20 then you can add to Person

auto operator<=>(const Person&) const = default;

and that will automatically give you operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= for Person and they will "do the right thing" as long as you want all members compared in the order they are defined in the class.
