首页 > 解决方案 > 如何以功能方式有条件地分配给变量?



// let foo = undefined // no-let!
if(condition) {
  const foo = 1
} else {
  const foo = 0
do_some_stuff(foo) // Uncaught ReferenceError: foo is not defined

const foo = condition ? 1 : 0

if(condition) {
  const foo = 1
} else {
  const foo = 0

标签: javascriptfunctional-programming


可能您会使用一些代数数据类型(ADT) 对您的案例进行编码,例如Either. 也就是说,您可以涵盖两个子案例:leftright

从后面看代码// --> Solution starts here。以前的代码是一个迷你标准 FP 库,使用 vanilla JavaScript 使代码可运行。检查并享受!

// Mini standard library
// -------------------------------

// The identity combinator
// I :: a -> a
const I = x => x

// Either ADT
const Either = (() => {
   // Creates an instance of Either.Right
   // of :: b -> Either a b
   const of = x => ({ right: x })
   // Creates an instance of Either.Right
   // Right :: b -> Either a b
   const Right = of
   // Creates an instance of Either.Left
   // Left :: a -> Either a b
   const Left = x => ({ left: x })
   // Maps Either.Left or Either.Right in a single operation
   // bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c -> d
   const bimap = f => g => ({ left, right }) => left ? Left (f (left)) : Right (g (right))
   // Lifts a value to Either based on a condition, where false 
   // results in Left, and true is Right.
   // tagBy :: (a -> Boolean) -> a -> Either a a
   const tagBy = f => x => f (x) ? Right (x) : Left (x)
   // Unwraps Either.Left or Either.Right with mapping functions
   // either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
   const either = f => g => ({ left, right }) => left ? f (left) : g (right)
   // Unwraps Either.Left or Either.Right and outputs the raw value on them
   // unwrap :: Either a b -> c
   const unwrap = either (I) (I)
   return { of, Right, Left, bimap, tagBy, either, unwrap }
}) ()

// --> Solution starts here

// Lifts to Either.Right if x is greater than 3, 
// otherwise, x is encoded as Left.
// tagGt3 :: Number -> Either Number Number
const tagGt3 = Either.tagBy (x => x > 3)

// doStuff :: Number -> Number
const doStuff = x => x + 1

// doStuff2 :: Number -> Number
const doStuff2 = x => x * 4

// doStuff3 :: Either Number Number -> Either Number Number
const doStuff3 = Either.bimap (doStuff) (doStuff2) // <-- here's the decision!

const eitherValue1 = doStuff3 (tagGt3 (2))
const eitherValue2 = doStuff3 (tagGt3 (30))

const output1 = Either.unwrap (eitherValue1)
const output2 = Either.unwrap (eitherValue2)

console.log ('output1: ', output1)
console.log ('output2: ', output2)



// Mini standard library
// -------------------------------

// The identity combinator
// I :: a -> a
const I = x => x

// Pipes many unary functions
// pipe :: [a -> b] -> a -> c
const pipe = xs => x => xs.reduce ((o, f) => f (o), x)

// Either ADT
const Either = (() => {
   // Creates an instance of Either.Right
   // of :: b -> Either a b
   const of = x => ({ right: x })
   // Creates an instance of Either.Right
   // Right :: b -> Either a b
   const Right = of
   // Creates an instance of Either.Left
   // Left :: a -> Either a b
   const Left = x => ({ left: x })
   // Maps Either.Left or Either.Right in a single operation
   // bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c -> d
   const bimap = f => g => ({ left, right }) => left ? Left (f (left)) : Right (g (right))
   // Lifts a value to Either based on a condition, where false 
   // results in Left, and true is Right.
   // tagBy :: (a -> Boolean) -> a -> Either a a
   const tagBy = f => x => f (x) ? Right (x) : Left (x)
   // Unwraps Either.Left or Either.Right with mapping functions
   // either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
   const either = f => g => ({ left, right }) => left ? f (left) : g (right)
   // Unwraps Either.Left or Either.Right and outputs the raw value on them
   // unwrap :: Either a b -> c
   const unwrap = either (I) (I)
   return { of, Right, Left, bimap, tagBy, either, unwrap }
}) ()

// --> Solution starts here

// doStuff :: Number -> Number
const doStuff = x => x + 1

// doStuff2 :: Number -> Number
const doStuff2 = x => x * 4

const { tagBy, bimap, unwrap } = Either

// doStuff3 :: Number -> Number
const doStuff3 = pipe ([
   tagBy (x => x > 3),
   bimap (doStuff) (doStuff2), // <-- here's the decision!

const output1 = doStuff3 (2)
const output2 = doStuff3 (30)

console.log ('output1: ', output1)
console.log ('output2: ', output2)
