首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么不调用后处理方法?



如果 t1 保存成功,则将响应返回给客户端并继续 t2。T2后期,如果t2无法保存文件,则调用postprocessing处理t​​2数据。

但是如果 t1 无法保存成功则等待 t2 完成,现在如果 t2 保存成功,则对 t1 数据进行后处理。

如果 t1 和 t2 都无法保存,则返回失败。



// dummy class used for returning response
public class TaskResult
    public int status { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //destination folder
        var desFolders = new List<string>
            @"\\Files\00a807b3\013413a0\012216ad\IdoNotExist" // to trigger failure case, IdoNotExist => does not exist

        //base 64 string
        var content =

        var t1 = Task.Run(() => WriteFile(desFolders[0], content));
        var t2 = Task.Run(() => WriteFile(desFolders[1], content));

        // to track if file was ever saved
        bool anySuccess = false;

        int result = Task.WaitAny(t1, t2);

        if (result == 0)
            var response = t1.Result;
            if (response.status == 1)
                anySuccess = true;
                t2.ContinueWith(prevTask =>
                    var t2Res = prevTask.Result;
                    if (t2Res.status == 0) // post processing if t2 could not save file
        else if (result == 1)
            var response = t2.Result;
            if (response.status == 1)
                anySuccess = true;
                t1.ContinueWith(prevTask =>
                    var t1Res = prevTask.Result;
                    if (t1Res.status == 0)
                        PostProcessing("t1"); // post processing if t1 could not save file


        // to check if completed task was not a success then wait for other running task 
        if (!anySuccess)
            TaskResult waitedResponse = null;
            if (result == 0)
                t2.Wait(); // wait for t2 as t1 was already completed
                waitedResponse = t2.Result;
                if (waitedResponse.status == 1)
                    //if t2 was successful then post process t1
                    anySuccess = true;
                    t1.ContinueWith(prevTask => { PostProcessing("t1"); });
                waitedResponse = t1.Result;
                if (waitedResponse.status == 1)
                    //if t2 was successful then post process t1
                    anySuccess = true;
                    t2.ContinueWith(prevTask =>
                        var val = prevTask;


        if (!anySuccess)
            //return failure;  

        //return success


    private static void PostProcessing(string t)
        Console.WriteLine( $"post processing : {t}");
        // insert record in database 
        // intentionally just not to make complex no argument is recived  for insertion

    private static TaskResult WriteFile(string folder, string content)
        var imageName = $"{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}.jpg";
        var fullName = $@"{folder}\{imageName}";

            byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(content);
            using (var imageFile = new FileStream(fullName, FileMode.Create))
                imageFile.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            return new TaskResult { status = 1 };
        catch (Exception ex)
            return new TaskResult { status = 0 };


尽管我看到保存到不存在的位置时出现故障,但这里从未调用过 PostProcessing 方法。我如何重构此代码以使其正常工作?

标签: c#.netasynchronous


您的 WriteFile 方法应该是async+Task<TaskResult>作为返回值,因为您使用的是WriteAsync.

你也应该await WriteAsync因为它是一种基于任务的方法
