首页 > 解决方案 > Grails 集成测试失败,并显示“通过构造函数参数表示的依赖关系不满足”


Grails v3.3.9 和 jsonView 1.2.10

我有一个域类查询在运行与我的域类设备类的集成测试时失败,扩展了扩展 RootEntity(也是抽象的)的 ManagedEntity(抽象)。设备有两个静态的 withCriteria 查询来做急切的获取。

域类 Device.groovy:

Device extends ManagedEntity {
OrgRoleInstance org
Site site
Location location
NetworkDomain domain //can only be in one domain or zero
ProviderNetwork vfNetwork  //can be part of one CSP network domain
//simpler option than deviceRoles - not an entity in this case but  a join table
Collection<Resource.ResourceRoleType> roles = [] // creates device_roles table no versioning */
Collection<FlexAttribute> attributes = []
Collection<Equipment> buildConfiguration = []
Collection<Interface> interfaces = []
Collection<Alias> aliasNames = []

boolean freeStanding = false
boolean testDevice = false
Product product  //ref to portfolio offering if exists
String deviceStatus = "Operational"  //or Ceased or ...
String licenceType  //e.g. for cisco 903 would be one of  "metro servcices", or "metro Ip services", "metro aggregation services"
String licence = "none"
String memory
String storage
String numberOfCpu
Software runtimeOS

boolean isTestEntity () {

boolean isFreeStanding () {

static hasMany = [deviceRoles: Resource, roles: Resource.ResourceRoleType, attributes:FlexAttribute, buildConfiguration: Equipment, interfaces:Interface, aliasNames:Alias]

static belongsTo = [org:OrgRoleInstance]  //dont at providerNetwork as belongs to as we dont want cascade delete

static constraints = {
    org nullable:true
    site nullable:true
    location nullable:true
    roles nullable:true
    domain nullable:true  , validator : {NetworkDomain domain, Device dev ->
        //assumes org has been set
        if (domain == null)
            return true
        if (dev.org == null)
            log.debug "org was null, trying to validate domain is in orgs.domains list - so org must be set first"
        NetworkDomain[] validDomains = dev?.org?.domains ?: []
        boolean test = validDomains.contains(domain)
    vfNetwork nullable:true , validator : {ProviderNetwork vfNetwork, Device dev ->
        if (vfNetwork == null)  return true
        OrgRoleInstance vf = OrgRoleInstance.findByNameAndRole ("Vodafone", OrgRoleInstance.OrgRoleType.ServiceProvider)
        ProviderNetwork[] networks = vf?.providerNetworks ?: []
        boolean test = networks.contains (vfNetwork)
        if (test == false)
            log.debug "Vodafone provider does not yet have any ProviderNetworks to validate to, please create and save any provider networks before assigning to device, then save "
    }//ensure its in vf's list of provider networks }*/
    product nullable:true
    deviceStatus nullable:true
    licenceType nullable:true
    licence nullable:true
    memory nullable:true
    storage nullable:true
    numberOfCpu nullable:true
    runtimeOS nullable:true
    attributes nullable:true
    buildConfiguration nullable:true
    interfaces nullable:true
    aliasNames nullable:true

String toString () {
    "Device (manHostname:$manHostName, opState:$opStatus)[id:$id]"

static Device getFullDeviceById (Serializable id) {
    Device.withCriteria (uniqueResult:true) {
        join 'domain'
        join 'providerNetwork'
        join 'site'
        join 'location'
        join 'runtimeOS'
        fetchMode 'product', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'interfaces', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'attributes', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'aliasNames', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'buildConfiguration', FetchMode.SELECT

        idEq (id as Long)

static List<Device> getFullDeviceBySite (Serializable sid) {
    Device.withCriteria (uniqueResult:true) {
        join 'domain'
        join 'providerNetwork'
        join 'site'
        join 'location'
        join 'runtimeOS'
        fetchMode 'product', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'interfaces', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'attributes', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'aliasNames', FetchMode.SELECT
        fetchMode 'buildConfiguration', FetchMode.SELECT

        site {idEq (sid as Long)}


<testcase time="0.0" name="build relationship between two CI " classname="com.softwood.domain.DeviceIntegSpecSpec">

<failure type="org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException" message="org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'com.softwood.controller.JsonApiRestfulController': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'java.lang.Class<?>' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. 

我的缩减测试看起来像这样,它只是调用静态查询(数据在 Bootstrap 中加载):


void "建立两个 CI 之间的关系"() {


    Device pe = Device.getFullDeviceById(2)

    assert pe

    when : "build a ce and relate the CE and PE  "




这似乎反对我的 Controller 类(我没有测试),当我执行运行应用程序(启动时没有错误)时,它实际上运行良好。



如果我启动 Groovy 控制台并像这样运行查询:

import com.softwood.domain.Device

Device pe = Device.getFullDeviceById(2)

println pe

这运行良好,没有错误 - 所以这与启动集成测试框架而不是加载我所有的控制器有关。我想写一些集成测试但不能,因为这是一个障碍。

标签: grailsintegration-testing


您有JsonApiRestfulController一个没有无参数构造函数的控制器。您的构造函数需要一个Class参数。Spring 无法知道要Class在那里传递什么,因此这被认为是无效的。您可能希望该控制器成为抽象父类。


https://github.com/jeffbrown/williamwoodmanconstructor上的项目简化了您的情况并消除了大多数不相关的东西。 https://github.com/jeffbrown/williamwoodmanconstructor/blob/cb799545dfa76f78e8203e68cfadb09aed604544/grails-app/controllers/williamwoodmanconstructor/JsonApiRestfulController.groovy是问题所在。

package williamwoodmanconstructor

import grails.rest.RestfulController

class JsonApiRestfulController<T> extends RestfulController<T> {

    JsonApiRestfulController(Class<T> c) {
        super(c, false)

