首页 > 解决方案 > 后台execvp:如何正确执行?


像许多其他人一样,我正在尝试模拟外壳。我已经execvp在来自用户的字符串上正确使用了。解析字符串并生成字符串数组(每个单词都有其数组,在space字符上拆分),包括NULL最后的 a 。

当我发现用户输入的最后一个单词是&时,我设置了一个标志来通知我的 shell 该命令将在后台执行,同时让用户立即输入另一个命令。“后台执行”命令将其&替换为NULL传递给的字符串数组中的一个字符execvp

事实上,我一直在尝试使用 apthread在后台运行该进程,但它的行为有些奇怪:通过线程函数传递的命令需要我在发送命令后execvp按两次。ENTER


int main (void) {

    fprintf (stdout, "%% ");

    bool running = true;

    while(running) {

        /* Ask for an instruction and parses it. */
        char** args = query_and_split_input();

        /* Executing the commands. */
        if (args == NULL) {  // error while reading input
            running = false;
        } else {
            printf("shell processing new command\n");

            int count = count_words(args);
            split_line* line = form_split_line(args, count);
            Expression* ast = parse_line(line, 0, line->size - 1);

            if(line->thread_flag) {
                pthread_t cmd_thr;

                /* Setting up the content of the thread. */
                thread_data_t       thr_data;
                thr_data.ast        = *ast;
                thr_data.line       = *line;

                /* Executing the thread. */
                int thr_err;
                if ((thr_err = pthread_create(&cmd_thr, NULL, thr_func, &thr_data))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "error: pthread_create, rc: %d\n", thr_err);
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
                printf("thread has been created.\n");

            } else {

            printf("done running shell on one command\n");

    /* We're all done here. See you! */
    exit (0);


void *thr_func(void *arg) {
    thread_data_t *data = (thread_data_t *)arg;

    data->line.content[data->line.size-1] = NULL;  // to replace the trailing '&' from the command

    printf("thread should have ran the command\n");


void run_shell(char** args) {

    /* Forking. */
    int status;
    pid_t    pid; /* Right here, the created THREAD somehow awaits a second 'ENTER' before going on and executing the next instruction that forks the process. This is the subject of my first question. */
    pid = fork();

    if (pid < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fork failed");

    } else if (pid == 0) {  // child
        printf("Child executing the command.\n");

        /* Executing the commands. */
        execvp(args[0], args);

        /* Child process failed. */
        printf("execvp didn't finish properly: running exit on child process\n");

    } else {  // back in parent
        waitpid(-1, &status, 0);  // wait for child to finish

        if (WIFEXITED(status)) { printf("OK: Child exited with exit status %d.\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); }
        else { printf("ERROR: Child has not terminated correctly. Status is: %d\n", status); }

        printf("Terminating parent of the child.\n");



如果我输入echo bob is great,输出(printf 跟踪)是:

shell processing new command
Child executing the command.
bob is great
OK: Child exited with exit status 0.
Terminating parent of the child.
done running shell on one command

但是,如果我输入echo bob is great &,则输出为:

shell processing new command
thread has been created.
done running shell on one command


Child executing the command.
bob is great
OK: Child exited with exit status 0.
Terminating parent of the child.
thread should have ran the command



  1. ENTER创建的线程如何在运行之前等待一秒钟execvp?(thr_func停止执行run_shell并等待指令ENTER前的第二个)pid = fork();
  2. 我有解决手头问题的正确方法吗?(尝试在后台执行 shell 命令。)

标签: cshellposix




/* create pipes for redirection here, before fork()ing, so they are available
 * in the parent process and the child process */
int fds[2];
if (pipe(fds) < 0) { /* error */
    ... /* do error treatment */
pid_t child_pid = fork();
switch(child_pid) {
case -1: /* fork failed for some reason, no subprocess created */
case 0: /* this code is executed in the childd process, do redirections
         * here on pipes acquired ***before*** the fork() call */
        if (dup2(0 /* or 1, or 2... */, fds[0 /* or 1, or 2... */]) < 0) { /* error */
            ... /* do error management, considering you are in a different process now */
        execvpe(argc, argv, envp);
        ... /* do error management, as execvpe failed (exec* is non-returning if ok) */
        break; /* or exit(2) or whatever */ 
    default: /* we are the parent, use the return value to track the child */
        ... /* close the unused file descriptors */
        close(fds[1 /* or 0, or 2, ... */]);
        ... /* more bookkeeping */
        /* next depends on if you have to wait for the child or not */
        wait*(...);  /* wait has several flavours */
} /* switch */

Exec 和 fork 系统调用有两个不同的原因:

  • 您需要能够在两个调用之间进行内务处理,才能在之前的子进程中执行实际重定向exec()
  • 曾经有一段时间,unix 没有多任务处理或受保护,而 exec 调用只是将系统中的所有内存替换为要执行的新程序(包括内核代码,以应对未受保护的系统可能被执行破坏的事实程序)这在旧操作系统中很常见,我在 CP/M 或 TRS-DOS 等系统上看到过。unix 中的实现几乎保留了 exec() 调用的所有语义,并且只添加了 fork() 不可用的功能。这很好,因为它允许父进程和子进程在管道时间到来时进行必要的簿记。

只有当您需要不同的线程与每个孩子进行通信时,您才可能使用不同的线程来完成任务。但是认为一个线程与父级共享所有虚拟空间(我们可以讨论线程之间的父/子关系),如果您执行 exec 调用,您将覆盖整个进程的虚拟空间(那里的所有线程)
