首页 > 解决方案 > Retrieve data from ServiceNow in MS chatbot



I want to integrate MS Chatbot to serviceNow.

End Users - ask questions in MS Chatbot (like ticket update or ticket creation) and MSbot responds accordingly.

Basically i want my MSbot to insert,get, update and delete data from servicenow.


标签: botframeworkbots


The Azure Bot Service has no specific tutorials about how to integrate ServiceNow with a bot, but it can be done! ServiceNow has a REST API which is well documented in multiple places like here and here.

If you want specific help with a specific issue regarding the Bot Framework, please feel free to ask a new question. And make sure to include the following information:

  • Are you using the BotBuilder SDK v3 or v4?
  • What coding language are you using?
  • What channel is this bot for?
