首页 > 解决方案 > How can I get the buttons being generated in my table to have a dynamic ID?


I have a dynamically generated table in which I have buttons for which I need to be able to generate dynamic ids. I will be using the buttons later to (hopefully) grab the info from the table and create alerts based on the data. I can't get the buttons to generate a dynamic id though. I can get them to generate an id, but they have the same ID and aren't dynamic at all.

I've created a function that generates IDs and then appends the button class that I am targeting with the new ID. I have a table that is generated with jQuery using JSON data and all of that works. The code I am providing only generates the button IDs as "button2" which makes sense as that would be the next available index I suppose, but I don't know how to get it to generate the appropriate ID for the row in which in resides.

Simple html table that is populated with JSON data

<table id="schoolTable" class="table">
          <th><h4>School Name</h4></th>
  <tbody id="schoolTableBody">


jQuery that creates the table and fills it

  populateTable = function() {
      $.getJSON("/assets/JSON/schools.JSON", function(result) {
          $.each(result, function(i){
              var schools = result.schools,
              output = "",
              schoolTableBody = $("#schoolTableBody");
                  for (var i = 0; i < schools.length; i++) {
                      buttonIdAdd = function() {
                          var button = $(".schoolInfoButton").attr("id", "button" + '-' + i);
                          output +=
                          '<tr>' +
                          '<td>' +
                          '<h5>' +
                          schools[i].name +
                          '</h5>' +
                          '</td>' +
                          '<td class="schoolButtonHolder">' + 
                          '<button class="schoolInfoButton">' +
                          "Get" +
                          ' ' +
                          schools[i].topic +
                          ' ' +
                          "Information" +
                          '</button>' +
                          '</td>' +
                          '<td class="chatButtonHolder">' +
                          '<button class="schoolChatButton">' +
                          "Chat With" +
                          ' ' +
                          schools[i].topic +
                          '</button>' +
                          '</td>' +

I would like the buttons to have an ID based on the row they are in. I suppose the index? I am not sure how to do that as I thought the code provided could possibly work.

标签: jquery

