首页 > 解决方案 > I have a list of keywords and want to count the number of match keywords in each cells text from EXCEL File


I have 2 sheet in a excel file. one is a Dictionary sheet and 2nd is a sheet containing a column of text. I want to match the dictionary keywords columns one by one and then the number of match keywords counts in each cell of the text column.

I have tried these formulas: =(LEN(B2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B2,Sheet1!A:A,"")))/LEN(Sheet1!A:A) in this B2 is the first (start) cell of the text column and Sheet1!A:A is the dictionary column of other sheet. but by this i get zero as a result


The result will be like this:

         Text                      number_of_keyword_match    | number_of_keyword_match using DIC col 2 |  ........
                                        using DIC col 1

1 any Text or sentence/sentences          e.g match "3"             
2                                                    7              
3                                                    0              
4                                                    15             
5    .................................................                                   
7 .....................................................
..................................continue up to 2815 rows....

标签: excelexcel-formula



 |          A           |
1|apple apple beat beat |
2|apple beat beat carrot|
3|carrot apple apple    |


 |   A   |   B   |
1|apple  |beat   |
2|beat   |carrot |
3|       |       |





 |          A           | B | C |
1|apple apple beat beat | 4 | 2 |
2|apple beat beat carrot| 3 | 3 |
3|carrot apple apple    | 2 | 1 |

您可以使用数组公式来执行此操作,从单元格 B1 中的这个开始:


