首页 > 解决方案 > 检索访问令牌时出错:TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“project_id”



通过以下方式初始登录后: clasp login 我能够登录到 script.google.com 接下来,我创建了一个项目并通过以下方式推送文件: clasp push

现在,我已使用以下命令注销: clasp logout


clasp 登录 --creds ./.clasp.json

我收到“检索访问令牌时出错:TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性 'project_id'”。

请指导我如何通过 --creds 登录?

标签: clasp


TLDR: You're using the config file (.clasp.json), and not a credentials file (creds.json or other) from the Google Cloud Project console.

When you log in, the default storage of credentials is in a file named .clasprc.json in the ~ directory (C:\Users\<user>\ on Windows):

$ clasp login
Logging in globally...
 Authorize clasp by visiting this url:

Authorization successful.

Default credentials saved to ~\.clasprc.json (C:\Users\<user>\.clasprc.json).

Note that this file (.clasprc.json) is not the same as .clasp.json.

clasprc.json format:

The contents of this file purportedly depend on the auth type, global or local:

// GLOBAL: clasp login will store this (~/.clasprc.json):
   "access_token": "XXX",
   "refresh_token": "1/k4rt_hgxbeGdaRag2TSVgnXgUrWcXwerPpvlzGG1peHVfzI58EZH0P25c7ykiRYd",
   "scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.projects https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script ...",
   "token_type": "Bearer",
   "expiry_date": 1539130731398

Local auth stores the client secret / etc, and is generally required if you plan to use clasp run to execute a function via the Google Apps Script API.

// LOCAL: clasp login will store this (./.clasprc.json):
   "token": {
     // as above
   // Settings
   "oauth2ClientSettings": {
     "clientId": "807925367021-infvb16rd7lasqi22q2npeahkeodfrq5.apps.googleusercontent.com",
     "clientSecret": "9dbdeOCRHUyriewCoDrLHtPg",
     "redirectUri": "http://localhost"
   "isLocalCreds": true

(In practice, both files will have the format of the LOCAL file--properties token, oauth2ClientSettings, and isLocalCreds--though the value of isLocalCreds will be false for a global login.)

clasp.json format:

  "scriptId": "",
  "rootDir": "build/",
  "projectId": "project-id-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "fileExtension": "ts",
  "filePushOrder": ["file1.ts", "file2.ts"]

Note that clasp.json is configuration of the script files and clasprc.json is stored credential / authorization of the user. Neither of them is the appropriate credential file for logging in locally.

Resolving the error

The specific error you get is a result of you providing the incorrect file. Your supplied "credential" file does not have the required properties, and thus when clasp attempts to read from that property


you get the error:

Error retrieving access token: TypeError: Cannot read property 'project_id' of undefined

You can obtain the proper credentials file from your Apps Script project's Google Cloud Project page, i.e. https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?authuser=0&project=<some project id>

This file will have the format:

        "project_id":"<some project id>",
        "client_secret":"<more stuff>",

If your credentials file does not have that format, you cannot use it to log in locally.
