首页 > 解决方案 > 可以表示多个不同类的数据类型,这些类具有一些共同的属性,无需继承


我正在统一使用 c#。我有一个名为 CarPart 的类,它派生自 MonoBehaviour(MB 是每个统一脚本的基类)。在这个类中,我声明了不能从任何基类派生的特定汽车零件类,因为统一检查器不会显示它们的属性,但它们需要单声道行为,所以我在从 MonoBehaviour 派生的类 (CarPart) 中声明了它们。

public class CarPart : MonoBehaviour {

    [System.Serializable] //required to show full objects in inspector
    public class Chassis {
        //common properties for all car parts
        public GameObject prefab;
        public int price;
        //specific properties for every car part
        public bool AWD;
        public int suspensionDepth;
        //specific implementation of equip for chassis
        public void equip() {
            //instantiate chassis as root object 
    [System.Serializable] //required to show full objects in inspector
    public class Engine {
        //common properties for all car parts
        public GameObject prefab;
        public int price;
        //specific properties for every car part
        public bool supportsAddOnExhaust;
        public int power;
        //specific implementation of Equip for engine
        public void Equip() {
            //instantiate engine as child object of chassis in hierarchy 
    //this code is heavily simplified

然后我有类 VehicleConfig,它是经理游戏对象的组件(这个 GO 在整个游戏中都处于活动状态)。VehicleConfig 与 GUI 通信并基于 GUI 输入配置车辆。它还声明了所有汽车组件,这些组件稍后将分配有来自检查器(功率、悬架深度)和 3D 模型(预制件)的特定值。

public class VehicleConfig : CarPart{
    public Chassis[] chassis; //assigned from inspector
    public Engine[] engines;  //assigned from inspector    
    //and more car components like these two...
    //arrays because there will be multiple to chose from each type        

    public void Setup (unknownDataType component) {
        DoSomethingWithCommonVariables(component.price, component.prefab);
    //method called from GUI example:
    public void MountFirstEngine() {

我的问题是,我有更多特定的汽车组件,而不仅仅是引擎和底盘,而且它们都有更多的通用方法和特定的实现,然后只是 Equip()。Setup() 也比上面的例子复杂一点。所以我希望 Setup() 用一些数据类型重载,这些数据类型可以表示所有汽车部件(引擎、底盘......)的所有常用方法和属性,所以我可以重载 Setup(),例如将 Engines[0] 转换为那个特殊的数据类型。我知道有不同的方法可以用抽象类来实现这个功能,所有常见的抽象方法都是从中派生的引擎或机箱等类,并且会为这些方法提供某些实现,但正如我之前提到的,统一检查器无法显示派生类的成员变量。如果有人有建议、想法或完全不同的方法。我真的很感激提前提到它:) thx。

标签: c#classobjectunity3doverloading



public abstract class CarElement
  //common properties for all car parts
  public GameObject prefab;
  public int price;
  public abstract void Equip();

[System.Serializable] //required to show full objects in inspector
public class Chassis : CarElement
    //specific properties for every car part
    public bool AWD;
    public int suspensionDepth;
    public override void Equip() { }

[System.Serializable] //required to show full objects in inspector
public class Engine : CarElement
    //specific properties for every car part
    public bool supportsAddOnExhaust;
    public int power;
    public override void Equip(){ }

public class VehicleConfig : CarPart
    public Chassis[] chassis; //assigned from inspector
    public Engine[] engines;  //assigned from inspector    
    //and more car components like these two...
    //arrays because there will be multiple to chose from each type        

    public void Setup(CarElement component)
          DoSomethingWithCommonVariables(component.price, component.prefab);
    //method called from GUI example:
    public void MountFirstEngine()

