首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Oracle 18c 中创建手动 JSON?


我需要创建手动 json 以将其作为输入发送到 REST API。在过去的 12c(v12.0.1.2) 中,我使用的是 APEX_JSON API,经过一些研究发现 Oracle 18c 具有

JSON 中的对象类型

我不能使用 SQL/PL_SQL 函数,因为我需要创建手动 json。那么有人可以建议 APEX_JSON 在哪里更好,或者新的 APIJSON_OBJECT_T在性能和解析方面更好吗JSON_ARRAY_Tetc

这是我需要创建的示例 JSON。在这个 JSON 中,只有routeStops数组可以从数据库中访问,并且会根据记录的数量有多个停靠点,但除此之外,其他值在整个 json 中都是单一的并且需要硬编码值?所以现在请建议我可以用 SQL 函数来实现吗?

"routeProfile": {
        "resourceProfileRef": "7T5FRANBSC",
        "driverRef": "",
        "vehicleRef": "",
        "dutyStartTime": "10:30",
        "dutyDurationHours": 0,
        "startLocation": {
            "knownLocationRef": "",
            "houseName": "",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "",
            "address3": "",
            "address4": "",
            "postCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "location": {
                "coordinates": [-999,
                "type": "Point"
        "mandatoryFirstStop": false,
        "mandatoryFirstStopLocation": {
            "knownLocationRef": "",
            "houseName": "",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "",
            "address3": "",
            "address4": "",
            "postCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "location": {
                "coordinates": [-999,
                "type": "Point"
        "mandatoryFirstStopTime": 0,
        "mandatoryLastStop": false,
        "mandatoryLastStopLocation": {
            "knownLocationRef": "",
            "houseName": "",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "",
            "address3": "",
            "address4": "",
            "postCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "location": {
                "coordinates": [-999,
                "type": "Point"
        "mandatoryLastStopTime": 0,
        "endLocation": {
            "knownLocationRef": "",
            "houseName": "",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "",
            "address3": "",
            "address4": "",
            "postCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "location": {
                "coordinates": [-999,
                "type": "Point"
    "routeStops": [{
            "stop": 1,
            "location": {
                "knownLocationRef": "",
                "houseNumber": "",
                "houseName": "Shop XYZ",
                "address1": "Ruddington Lane",
                "address2": "Wilford",
                "address3": "Nottingham",
                "address4": "",
                "postCode": "NG11 7DQ",
                "countryCode": "GB",
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [-999,
                    "type": "Point"
            "jobs": [{
                    "jobRef": "3735081",
                    "jobTypeRef": "STDSTOPJOB",
                    "customer": {
                        "title": "",
                        "initials": "",
                        "firstName": "",
                        "lastName": "",
                        "homePhone": "",
                        "workPhone": "",
                        "mobilePhone": "",
                        "email": ""
                    "location": {
                        "knownLocationRef": "",
                        "houseNumber": "",
                        "houseName": "Shop XYZ",
                        "address1": "Ruddington Lane",
                        "address2": "Wilford",
                        "address3": "Nottingham",
                        "address4": "",
                        "postCode": "NG11 7DQ",
                        "countryCode": "GB",
                        "location": {
                            "coordinates": [-999,
                            "type": "Point"
                    "customerAccountRef": "CUSTACC001",
                    "jobScheduling": {
                        "schedulingDateTimeEarliest": "2018-12-21 00:00",
                        "schedulingDateTimeLatest": "2018-12-21 23:59",
                        "excludeDateTimeEarliest": "2018-12-21 12:00",
                        "excludeDateTimeLatest": "2018-12-21 13:00"

标签: jsonoracleplsqloracle18c


如果您使用 SQL 选择获取数据,则可以使用 12.2 中添加的 JSON 生成函数。这些是:

  • JSON_object
  • JSON_objectagg
  • JSON_array
  • JSON_arrayagg

例如,以下使用标准 HR 模式按部门创建一个员工对象数组:

select json_object (
         'department' value d.department_name,
         'employees' value json_arrayagg (
           json_object (
             'name' value first_name || ', ' || last_name, 
             'job' value job_title
       ))) DOC
from   hr.departments d, hr.employees e, hr.jobs j
where  d.department_id = e.department_id
and    e.job_id = j.job_id
and    d.department_id = 110
group  by d.department_name;

  "department" : "Accounting",
  "employees" :
      "name" : "Shelley, Higgins",
      "job" : "Accounting Manager"
      "name" : "William, Gietz",
      "job" : "Public Accountant"

您可以在JSON 开发人员指南中找到有关这些的更多信息
