首页 > 解决方案 > 当我尝试将哈希(通过引用)和变量传递给子以打印哈希中的相应值时修复 Perl 错误


在我的自然语言处理课程中,我正在努力解决我们被分配解决的 Perl 任务。

他们要求我们能够用 Perl 解决的问题如下:

根据经验,我确信我的脚本已经能够执行上述“第 1 部分”。

第 2 部分需要使用 Perl 子程序(子例程)完成,该子程序通过引用获取哈希值以及 to 哈希值。这是我遇到严重麻烦的部分。

Stefan Becker 建议进行重大更改之前的第一个版本;


use warnings;
use strict;

sub hash_4Frequency
    my ($hashWord, $ref2_Hash) = @_;                       
    print $ref2_Hash -> {$hashWord}, "\n";  # thank you Stefan Becker, for sobriety

my %f = ();  # hash that will contain words and their frequencies                              
my $wc = 0;  # word-count                                       

my ($stdin, $word_2Hash) = @ARGV;  # corrected, thanks to Silvar

while ($stdin)
    while ("/\w+/")
        my $w = $&;
        $_ = $";
        $f{lc $w} += 1;

my @args = ($word_2Hash, %f);



use warnings;
use strict;

sub hash_4Frequency
    my $ref2_Hash = %_;
    my $hashWord = $_;

    print $ref2_Hash -> {$hashWord}, "\n";

my %f = ();  # hash that will contain words and their frequencies
my $wc = 0;  # word-count

while (<STDIN>) 
    while (/\w+/)
        my $w = $&;
        $_ = $";

        $f{$_}++ foreach keys %f;

hash_4Frequency($_, \%f);

当我在终端中执行' ./script.pl < somefile.txt someWord '时,Perl 抱怨(Perl 的第一个版本的输出)

 Use of uninitialized value $hashWord in hash element at   
 ./word_counter2.pl line 35.

 Use of uninitialized value in print at ./word_counter2.pl line 35.

Perl 对第二个版本的抱怨;

 Can't use string ("0") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at ./word_counter2.pl line 13, <STDIN> line 8390.




标签: stringperlnlp



注意:这不是你用惯用的 Perl 编写它的方式。

use warnings;
use strict;

sub hash_4Frequency($$) {
    my($ref2_Hash, $hashWord) = @_;

    print $ref2_Hash -> {$hashWord}, "\n";

my %f = ();  # hash that will contain words and their frequencies
my $wc = 0;  # word-count

while (<STDIN>)
    while (/(\w+)/g)

hash_4Frequency(\%f, $ARGV[0]);

使用“Lorem ipsum”作为输入文本的测试输出:

$ cat dummy.txt 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor
incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat.
Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

$ perl <dummy.txt dummy.pl Lorem


use warnings;
use strict;

sub word_frequency($$) {
    my($hash_ref, $word) = @_;

    print "The word '${word}' appears ", $hash_ref->{$word} // 0, " time(s) in the input text.\n";

my %words;  # hash that will contain words and their frequencies
my $wc = 0; # word-count

while (<STDIN>) {
    # lower case all words
    $wc += map { $words{lc($_)}++ } /(\w+)/g

print "Input text has ${wc} words in total, of which ",
      scalar(keys %words),
      " are unique.\n";

# return frequency in input text for every word on the command line
foreach my $word (@ARGV) {
    word_frequency(\%words, lc($word));

exit 0;


$ perl <dummy.txt dummy.pl Lorem ipsum dolor in test
Input text has 66 words in total, of which 61 are unique.
The word 'lorem' appears 1 time(s) in the input text.
The word 'ipsum' appears 1 time(s) in the input text.
The word 'dolor' appears 1 time(s) in the input text.
The word 'in' appears 2 time(s) in the input text.
The word 'test' appears 0 time(s) in the input text.
