首页 > 解决方案 > Property-Setter 装饰器的问题:未设置“私有”属性


我很难找出为什么我的自定义类(Data_Setter_Class)中的“Setter Decorator”不能正常工作。


因此,一旦我实例化我的“Data_Setter_Class”,并尝试通过其属性装饰器方法访问其 Data 属性,我会收到一条错误消息,指出我的类根本没有“__Data”属性。


我正在使用的 Python 版本:3.6.4


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd

class Data_Setter_Class(object):
    def __init__(self, Data):

        This Class allows one to evaluate the best probability distribution function (PDF), \
        and its relative best parameters for the given Series (array).

        self.Data = Data

    def Data(self):
        print("\n\n\tEis os Dados\n\n")
        return self.__Data

    def Data(self, data_entry):

        print("Iniciando a análise dos dados inseridos")
        print("Eis o cabeçalho deles: \n\n", data_entry.head(), '\n\n')

        if isinstance(data_entry, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(data_entry) >1:
            Chosen_Dimension = int(input("The data has more than one dimension (1D). \
                                         Choose what dimension the distribution fit analysis should be applyed: \n\n "))

            self.__Data = data_entry[Chosen_Dimension]

        elif isinstance(data_entry, pd.DataFrame):
            if np.ndim(data_entry) >2:

                Chosen_Dimension = input("The data has more than one dimension (1D). \
                                         Choose what dimension the distribution fit analysis should be applyed: \
                                         \n\n {0} \n\n".format(data_entry.keys()) )

                while Chosen_Dimension not in data_entry.keys():
                    print("Dimension not properly set. Choose between the options given!")

                    Chosen_Dimension =input("Choose what dimension the distribution fit analysis should be applyed: \n\n {0} \n\n".format( self.data_entry.keys() ) )

                print("Dimension/Attribute Selected: ", Chosen_Dimension)

                self.__Data = data_entry.loc[:,Chosen_Dimension]

                self.Chosen_Dimension = Chosen_Dimension

        elif isinstance(data_entry, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
            if np.ndim(data_entry) >2:

                Chosen_Dimension = input("The data has more than one dimension (1D). \
                                         Choose what dimension the distribution fit analysis should be applyed: \
                                         \n\n {0} \n\n".format(data_entry.keys()) )

                while Chosen_Dimension not in data_entry.keys():
                    print("Dimension not properly set. Choose between the options given!")

                    Chosen_Dimension =input("Choose what dimension the distribution fit analysis should be applyed: \n\n {0} \n\n".format( self.data_entry.keys() ) )

                print("Dimension/Attribute Selected: ", Chosen_Dimension)

                self.__Data = data_entry.loc[:,Chosen_Dimension]

                self.Chosen_Dimension = Chosen_Dimension

        elif isinstance(data_entry, pd.Series):

            self.__Data = data_entry

        elif isinstance(data_entry, np.ndarray):
            if np.ndim(data_entry) ==1:
                self.__Data = data_entry

        elif isinstance(data_entry, np.array):
            if np.ndim(data_entry) ==1:
                self.__Data = data_entry

                self.__Data = np.array(data_entry)

                print("Data Format out of order. Try setting it up to 1D array object like before applying to the Best Fit Distribution Function")

        print("Eis o data_entry após todo o teste de dados: \n\n", data_entry.head(), '\n\n')

    def Chosen_Dimension(self):
        print("This is the numerical attribute selected for the analysis: ", str(self.__Chosen_Dimension))

        return self.__Chosen_Dimension

    def Chosen_Dimension(self, chosen_dimension):

        self.__Chosen_Dimension = chosen_dimension

if "__main__" == __name__:

    Temporal_data = pd.date_range(start='1995/12/31', end='2000/12/31', freq='D')
    Size = Temporal_data.size 

    Random_Array = pd.DataFrame({'Precipitacao': np.random.randint(low=0, high=350, size=Size)}, 

    Data_Setter_Object = Data_Setter_Class(Data=Random_Array)

    Random_Array = Data_Setter_Object.Data





标签: python-3.xclassobjectmethodspython-decorators


我以前也不知道这一点,但是对于您要执行的操作,带有 getter 和 setter 的“隐藏”变量的语法是 '_var_name' 而不是 '__var_name'。将您的 __init__ 方法更改为此。

def __init__(self, Data):

    This Class allows one to evaluate the best probability distribution function (PDF), \
    and its relative best parameters for the given Series (array).

    self._Data = Data

同样在 @property 和 @Data.setter 方法中,将变量称为 self._Data 而不是 self.__Data

使用此示例的其他问题: Using Property Setter In __init__

文档:https ://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#property
