首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将类型声明为联合类型的所有可能组合?




type Combinations<SomeUnion, T extends any[]> = /* Some magic */
//                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                       this type argument provides the information
//                       about what is the length of expected combination.

// then

Combinations<string | number, ['x', 'y']> =
    [string, string] |
    [string, number] |
    [number, string] |
    [number, number] 

Combinations<string | number | boolean, ['x', 'y']> =
    [string, string]  |
    [string, number]  |
    [string, boolean] |
    [number, string]  |
    [number, number]  |
    [number, boolean] |
    [boolean, string] |
    [boolean, number] |
    [boolean, boolean] 

Combinations<string | number, ['x', 'y', 'z']> =
    [string, string, string] |
    [string, string, number] |
    [string, number, string] |
    [string, number, number] |
    [number, string, string] |
    [number, string, number] |
    [number, number, string] |
    [number, number, number]



type FixedLengthFunction<T extends any[]> = (...args: { [k in keyof T]: any }) => void

function myDecorator<T extends any[]>(...args: T) {
    return <K extends string>(
        target: { [k in K]: FixedLengthFunction<T> },
        methodName: K,
        desc: any
    ) => {}

// Note: WAI => Works as intented
class Foo {
   a() {}
   // expected to be correct,
   // and actually passes the type system.
   // WAI

   b(x: number) {}
   // expected to be incorrect since 'b' has one more argument,
   // and actually catched by the type system.
   // WAI

   c(x: number) {}
   // expected to be correct,
   // and actually passes the type system.
   // WAI

   d() {}
   // expected to be incorrect since 'd' has one less argument,
   // but still passes the type system.
   // not WAI


根本原因是: (a: SomeType) => void兼容,(a: any, b: any) => void因为any可以未定义。


type Defined = string | number | boolean | symbol | object
type FixedLengthFunction<T extends any[]> =
    (...args: { [k in keyof T]: Defined }) => void
//                              ^^^^^^^
//                      changes: any -> Defined


c(x: number) {}


这次的原因是(x: number) => void不兼容(arg_0: Defined) => voidnumber是缩小版本,Defined缩小参数类型会破坏 LSP,因此会出现错误。

问题是: FixedLengthFunction<['m', 'n']>被解析为(...args: [Defined, Defined]) => void被进一步解析为(arg_0: Defined, arg_1: Defined) => void


    [number, number] |
    [string, number] |
    [boolean, string] 
    /* ...and all other possible combinations of length 2 */
) => void


标签: typescriptcombinationsunion-types



话虽如此,我认为您发现的问题是错误的。您说参数较少的函数可以分配给参数较多的函数,因为any. 它不是。一般来说,打字稿允许在期望具有更多参数的函数的地方分配具有较少参数的函数。函数实现将忽略额外的参数,不会有任何危害:

let fn: (a: number) => void = function () { console.log("Don't care about your args!"); }

fn(1)// 1 is ignored but that is ok 


type FixedLengthFunction<T extends any[]> = (...args: { [k in keyof T]: any }) => void

type ErrorIfDifferentLength<TMethod, TExpected extends any[]> = 
    TMethod extends (...a: infer TParams) => any ? 
    TParams['length'] extends TExpected['length'] ? {}: { "!Error": "Number of parameters differ:", actual:  TParams['length'], expected: TExpected['length'] } : {}

function myDecorator<T extends any[]>(...a: T) {
    return <K extends string, TClass extends Record<K, FixedLengthFunction<T>>>(target: TClass & ErrorIfDifferentLength<TClass[K], T>, key: K): void => {


// Note: WAI => Works as intented
class Foo {
    a() {}
    // expected to be correct,
    // and actually passes the type system.
    // WAI

    b(x: number) {}
    // expected to be incorrect since 'b' has one more argument,
    // and actually catched by the type system.
    // WAI

    c(x: number) {}
    // expected to be correct,
    // and actually passes the type system.
    // WAI

    d() {}
    // Argument of type 'Foo' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Foo & { "!Error": "Number of parameters differ:"; method: "d"; actual: 0; expected: 1; }'.
    // WAI
