首页 > 解决方案 > Client side public key encryption


We are building a mobile app that has the following functions

  1. Capture user information (text, audio) while not connected to the internet
  2. Store the information on the device, encrypted using a server-side public key
  3. When internet connectivity is available, upload to s3 using pre-signed URL
  4. Once the file is available in s3 another background process(?) decrypts it using the server-side private of the above public-key and copy to another bucket

Due to regulatory requirements, files on the device need to be encrypted at rest while not connected to the internet. Otherwise s3 encryption client (AmazonS3EncryptionClient) could be used for this purpose to encrypt on the fly when uploading to.

My question is on step 4. Is it possible to use an s3 trigger lambda function for this step? I imagine the limit of available disk size for lambda will mean copying file from s3 to lambda local directory will not work for large files (the files can be few gigabytes large). What other options are available (preferably serverless)? What about streaming s3 object and decrypt in-memory?

标签: c#encryptionamazon-s3aws-lambdapublic-key-encryption


是否可以在此步骤中使用 s3 触发器 lambda 函数?.. 流式传输 s3 对象并在内存中解密呢?

您可以在 s3 上作为流读取-解密-写入,然后 lambda 限制将在执行时间(900 秒 = 15 分钟)。如果您可以在 15 分钟内处理该文件,那么使用 lamba 可能是个好主意。恕我直言,您可以在 15 分钟内处理大量 GB,但总有 15 分钟。限制(前段时间是 5 分钟)。


如果您想在没有任何处理时间限制的情况下处理文件,我建议让 s3 lambda 向AWS 作业队列发送消息
